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※ 引述《iPodtouch (蘋果迷)》之銘言: : 信中提到 : 好市多是提供商品百分百滿意保證的 : 某些特別情況下,退貨是管理階層(manager) 可以考慮 : 以上附上回信的原文,大家參考一下 : With few exceptions, Costco has a 100% guarantee on all of our merchandise. : *All refunds are at the discretion of the warehouse manager. : f you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, : simply return the product and packaging, along with the receipt, : if possible, to your local Costco warehouse. : Exceptions: : Televisions, projectors, computers, cameras, camcorders, : iPod/MP3 players, cellular phones, : and any item that is restricted by law. : Please visit your local membership counter for details. (90 days) 除了極少數商品之外,costco提供您百分百滿意保證 *賣場主管擁有貨物退款決定權 (意思是說若要退款不用一層一層往上報告,因為這樣很沒效率) 若您對於購買的商品有任何不滿意,帶著您的收據 (沒有收據也行) 將該商品及其包裝退回賣場即可 例外商品:電視、投影機、電腦、相機、DV、iPod/MP3播放器、行動電話, 以及其他法律規定之商品。詳情請洽您所在地會員櫃臺 (90天內) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iPodtouch:專業 03/26 00:02
cokemaniac:專業 03/26 10:54