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Fallen Leaves - Mihael Hrustelj 米赫爾胡斯特 吉他Solo Project 2019 臺灣巡迴 Taiwan Tour 新竹場 時間 Time/ 2019/03/15(五) 19:30入場 / 20:00開演 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performer/ Mihael Hrustelj 米赫爾胡斯特 (SI) / 吉他 guitar 入場贊助 Donation for entry/ 預售 advance $300 現場 door $350 預售贊助登記表單 Advance donation booking form: https://goo.gl/forms/D1pZPEiYSna4RFGl2 *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演 About The Performance/ 很難定義Mihael(音:米哈)的音樂該屬於什麼類型,從古典吉他演奏出身,為了學習即 興學習爵士樂,成長過程又深受雷鬼、搖滾、民謠等音樂薰陶,彈遍許多撥弦樂器,鐘情 於古典尼龍弦吉他,背著它走遍世界各地。 在他的音樂裡,你可以聽見: 古典吉他的恬靜淡雅 搖滾吉他的狂妄放肆 爵士吉他的自由即興 指彈吉他的細緻優雅 民謠吉他的異國風情 更別說那來自巴爾幹半島存於血液中那自然的奇數拍音樂律動 整場演出除了米哈優異的吉他演奏,加上那神乎奇技搭配電吉他效果器所製造的魔幻聲響 ,更將搭配其狂放的唱腔,透過斯拉夫語系的斯洛維尼亞語言,唱出巴爾幹半島自然風情 的快意,此外更有米哈自己的自製節奏樂器,在演出中綜合穿插,一個人一把吉他,卻給 你大大的音樂世界。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performer/Mihael Hrustelj 米赫爾胡斯特 (SI) >> https://mihaelhrustelj.com/ Mihael Hrustelj 米赫爾胡斯特為來自中歐國家斯洛維尼亞之創作彈唱吉他手,其深受古 典音樂莫札特、爵士樂手Charlie Parker、雷鬼始祖Bob Marley、搖滾詩人Sting、硬派 搖滾Gun’n Roses之多元音樂薰陶,音樂中更可聽見濃厚受巴爾幹半島傳統民族音樂與印 度古典音樂影響之底蘊,而樂曲中那富涵生命力的弦律與律動,結合各種自然聲響(人聲 呼喊、掌聲、歌唱等),讓其音樂更加真實、溫暖與感動。 以古典吉他為主要演奏樂器 ,卻延展尼龍絃吉他聲響結合電子效果器、腳鼓、人聲等演奏方式,即使一個人演奏,也 能讓你掉入他的吉他魔力世界。 自2017年起開始定期來台巡演,2018年以solo project足跡走遍台北、桃園、新竹、嘉義 、台南、高雄等地,更與台灣爵士鋼琴手李宜玲共同演出。2019年再次訪台,將帶來最新 專輯《Fallen Leaves》,全新創作的曲目,一樣的音樂感動。 Mihael Hrustelj (1991), Slovenian guitar player, arranger and composer, started to play guitar at the age of 13 as every young boy that wants to impress the girls. But his first ever encounter with music was playing the little CASIO keyboard when he was still just a kid, and exploring different sounds that were on that toy. His parents were always amazed how he got isolated every time when they gave him that toy to play with, he was able to play for hours just fiddling around with sounds. His music career started with metal and rock cover bands that continued with playing in big bands, jazz rock fusion groups. After seriously grasping for guitar he ditched the idea of becoming a pilot and rather got himself into classical music and as a classical guitar player, started to explore the power of classical guitar sound which became his greatest love. He even participated in a couple of international classical guitar competitions. Composing was always a part of his routine, therefore making a band to play the music that he made was an absolute dream. And in year 2012 his own Mihael Hrustelj Trio was formed since then they toured in several European countries and attended beautiful festivals. His main influence from the beginning was rock music especially rock bands from former Yugoslavia. As well as progressive rock bands the repertoire of influences is still growing, that is why in his playing we can find traces of all kinds of music, from classical, reggae, pop, funk, rock, Indian classical, Balkan traditional music. Currently he is living and working in Rotterdam in the Netherlands where he has his own studio and a guitar school. 音樂試聽 His music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jg_MHT1Tqs
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