看板 kapilands 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛接觸了一位有兩億資產的大戶(?)。  說是大戶,其實也還好,一般正常的男人多多少少也是有兩億...。 那不重要。總之,他回信要吃掉我明天的產量... Message from Litefin Supplies PLC , 1.11.07 20:09 Subject Re.Thanks for purchasing send tomorrow all u have at 155 底下則是我的回覆... Dear my lord, It's great to receive your message. I'm always looking for a regular buyer in these period of time. It seems I got one. I'm appreciated. Furthermore, I have a few friends who are working for robbing... sorry, I beg your pardon, I mean producing Plastic as well. You may probably ever see some companies which contains the title "PTT". Would you mind if they deliver as the same price you offer to me? Most of us are not big industries yet, however, many a little makes a mickle. I may arrange it if you thought it's helpful. regards, Wally 大概就這樣...  明天如果沒有什麼意外,塑膠市場應該是不會有什麼起色吧?  不過這裡有個低標可以給大家參考一下...  雖然他目前沒有回應,不過,如果真的銷不出去的話,  我在某種程度上應該也可以幫忙轉手脫出, 量不要太誇張的話... --  追根究底所得到的東西,是失望的觀眾,以及狼狽的魔術師... De'Ring Practice http://www.im.tv/vlog/Personal/623262/2093392 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
clouddff7:這個消息不錯,塑膠市場實在是有夠低迷的.. 11/02 04:14
thebanana:今天中午又回漲到兩百了 順便補充 你的英文真強XD 11/02 12:03
thebanana:我們不是強盜~~~我們沒有劫財~~~(哭著跑開)XD 11/02 12:04
archon:塑膠兩百, 其實已經比搶銀行還好賺了... QwQ 11/02 12:14
clouddff7:雙手舉起來,把錢交出來 11/02 13:43
wrdoff:英文真好XD 11/02 14:28
collectsky:英文真好~~ (泣) 11/02 16:07
archon:這位大戶的收價降到 125¢ 了哦~ 11/04 04:52
bedv:系統contest什麼貨都用2元收 塑膠單價太高 減低大戶競賽意願 11/04 05:54
archon:不是單價的問題吧,之前戰過廣告,單價可是上仟的... 11/04 06:07
archon:終盤 2000- 都被掃台 QwQ 11/04 06:08