看板 kapilands 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Subject Call from the warehouse Hello boss, you will not believe it. Can you remember advising me to put my working shoes in front the door in the evening because they always were a bit smelly? I did this yesterday. And when I wanted to put on my shoes this morning they were completely filled with sweets. There are strange folks out there... 然後我發現有一張合約… 100 Candy bars (quality 0) Unit price: 0.00¢ Total: 0.00¢ Sign or cancel 於是我多了一百個糖果 XDDD -- 為啥鞋子裡會被塞糖果? 難道是像國外的類似牙仙之類的傳說嗎? XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kaod:我也拿到了candy bars,在米國這都是女童軍在賣的。 12/06 09:19
Byside:我也收到這個 @@ 12/06 09:31
rigils:我剛也收到了XD 12/06 10:00
amnotu:+1 XD 12/06 10:22
allenyang:我也收到了...可以收嗎??怕怕 12/06 10:30
Crow22312:烏鴉把它們退了, 太黏牙了 :P 12/06 10:41
Berlin5148:+1 XDDDD 12/06 10:47
crueangel:看來很多人收到呢,剛剛看到市場上一堆人賣100個糖 XD 12/06 10:50
crueangel:所以我以為是不是有什麼節日還是傳說,才會有一堆人收到 12/06 10:50
cjcdream:收到+1 12/06 10:59
wrdoff:我也收到@@ 12/06 11:10
smallwhite11:收到+1 12/06 11:45
kothoi:收到+1 12/06 11:48
KenShamrock:收到,大家都有嗎 XD 12/06 12:10
FF4u:+1 不過我退了 @@! 12/06 12:13
Kenqr:我收了XD 12/06 14:05
amnotu:有誰有雜貨店嗎? 免費直接給你賣(R2) 12/06 14:37
freedom239:我也有收到..不過我是一次兩個事件..一個糖果.. 12/06 15:09
freedom239:另外一個是2500鋼XD 12/06 15:10
pandoraliang:我也收到 但退掉了 12/06 19:13