看板 kapilands 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《mosquito520 ( )》之銘言: : PTT ID 公司名稱 主要生產物 Level : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1 collectsky MARLAN herb/tool/dried meat Councillor : 2 neoghost Alabasta wood/stones Merchant : 3 archon Elwynn Forest beer/raiments Patrician : 4 Arminius The Prancing Pony beer/wine Councillor : 5 kaomark MarkBlue grain Patrician : 6 freedom239 Ptt Tainan iron(Q10)/shelves Esquire : 7 flyinwinds PTT-flyinwinds shoes/shelves Councillor : 8 clouddff7 Taipei101 wood/stone/beer/quill Esquire : 9 KenShamrock Kaohsiung pig/wood Merchant : 10 nlya TayaCool goats Huckster : 11 Mikebibby Taoyuan Taiwan grain/water Sir : 12 Sonan Sunset herb/beer/mead Freeman : 13 rczk Tinbin horse Sir : 14 shikao Santa Claus herb/venison Councillor : 15 wrdoff The Kingdom of Wrdoff herbs Provost : 16 amnotu Hao shelves/dried meat Councillor : 17 alec65 Alec wood/cart/tool Esquire : 18 huangpower bubucat pig/dried meat Merchant : 19 delpeiro HiChemMerchant wood/iron/stone Esquire : 20 hellobaby041 one.com 要什麼有什麼 Councillor : 21 KayJ Forever Love herb/cask Sir : 22 yawinlove GreenDragon cask stone Huckster : 23 wutungpo PTT-coccus wood, Iron Esquire : 24 ilcha99 FF wood, boat, pitch Huckster : 25 Kikira Formosa_Fruit grapes Huckster : 26 malignancy PTT-chiasa 無腦木石, iron, beer Esquire : 27 aliyca bonbon wood,table Bourgeois : 28 mosquito520 mosquito520_at_PTT wood,shelves Patrician : 29 kkpart newparis wood,tools,milk Sir : 30 yeansan longcity pig,dried meat Merchant : 31 beautyman Beauty Man wood,coal,Iron Merchant : 32 samuel7212 Samuelstone wood,beets,goats Freeman : 33 frafoa TinaFey Gold,Goat,beet Sir : 34 pawapuro PTT puro Coal Huckster : 35 skymax ptt_sky pig Huckster : 36 miki519 MDC water,stone Huckster : 37 petitechiene Village du Bien Chat wood,將推出wine(4Q) Sir : 38 abugi SimCity beets(Q6) Esquire : 39 ferguslin brady flax(Q6),fish(Q9) Patrician : 40 kage01 PTT-Xcity flax,wool,chicken Freeman : 41 za755188 Hyperion grain,beer,iron(q7) Merchant : 42 scorange scorange grain,wood,iron ore Huckster : 43 Crow22312 Balmora chairs,stones,spies,RC Councillor : 44 h12330 h12330 wood,stone Esquire : 45 SYLVESTRAL Aventinus wood,beets,燒鵝 Sir : 46 IVincent hyaya pig,tools,cask Esquire : 47 slcgboy Alm-PTT-CO wood Sir : 48 Berlin5148 Berlin.W stone,PIG,wood,tool Esquire : 49 Doomdied DeathZone Arquebuses Merchant : 50 rofellosx darkflash wood,shoes,horses(4) sir : 51 s1d2 s1d2 wood,stone Huckster : 52 duter DuterIsland iron Q8,tool Q6,halberdsMerchant : 53 lovestanly happytown herb,stone(Q0) Bourgeois : 54 salatill lulala apple Freeman : 55 scbhung Freeport wood, saint statues(Q1) Huckster : 56 Foreman Lake of Youth 無腦石 Huckster : 57 god145145 god145145 農牧業Q0系列,drapery Bourgeois : 58 ostar LazyCafe 不知該做啥的新手 villein : 59 kickbb NewTaipei 3rd 無腦木 Huckster : 60 lando Orz 無腦木+1 Freeman : 61 ukiyoe Sigrun Apple Freeman : 62 ministree miniheaven Wool Freeman 63 thebanana PTT_banana enterprise unknow Freeman 噢.... 終於抵擋不住誘惑跑來玩3.5了= = 看3.0都沒人在討論之下想說碰碰新遊戲也不賴 至少界面感覺就舒服多了 早知道3.5剛出來我就玩而不是死板的不玩3.5= = 看了那麼多板上相關文章就算沒玩也知道一開始要生產木頭或石頭 我想石頭相關科技很殘廢 那我就只生產木頭好了 希望有大大可以固定幫我消化單子黑!! ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
delpeiro:好長的名字...快跟WR一樣長了 02/19 20:53
freedom239:同鄉的~~~推一個~~XD~~單子可以丟給我~~Ptt Tainan 02/19 20:53
thebanana:好 我先熟悉一下 要蓋住宅區@@ 不知道怎下手 02/19 20:57
freedom239:就蓋建築的選項有兩個..選build residential buildings 02/19 20:59
thebanana:所以員工是蓋住宅區才能獲得而不是直接雇用的囉? 02/19 21:02
wrdoff:Banana King XDD 02/19 21:02
thebanana:冏 02/19 21:04
freedom239:然後住宅不會佔建築格數..不過也拆不掉就是了XD 02/19 21:01
archon:哥哥,木頭的相關科技有比石頭好嗎!!? ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ 02/19 21:05
hellobaby041:木頭可以丟給我喔 感恩 02/19 21:05
wrdoff:3.0也有玩阿 一整個亂玩了XDDD 02/19 21:05
freedom239:要先蓋~~~蓋完之後才有人可以雇用 02/19 21:05
freedom239:如果有需要廣告的話..我可以提供80k點..至於價錢.. 02/19 21:19
freedom239:同鄉價...一點9元..(帳面成本一點8塊多)..不敢賣太低XD 02/19 21:20
thebanana:一開始應該不會買廣告吧@@ 02/19 21:22
ferguslin:木頭可以倒給我喔, 什麼價錢都可以(<$24) 02/19 21:25
ferguslin:city name: brady 02/19 21:26
thebanana:一開始不能買水喔@@ 02/19 21:31
thebanana:不就渴死了= = 02/19 21:31
SYLVESTRAL:如果願意的話可以產蘋果 20c+1q收 02/19 21:31
hellobaby041:= = 你也搶得太兇了吧 睡了好覺了嗎?? 02/19 21:36
hellobaby041:蘋果 版友價23+1q 五萬以上有優惠 但限q max:q4 02/19 21:37
kickbb:你也來啦XD 3.0整個進入死水狀態 囧 02/19 23:20
crueangel:今晚真熱鬧 XD 02/20 00:18
kickbb:最近都是3.5的討論 無從插嘴阿XD 02/20 00:22
crueangel:我現在的3.0的跟本在亂來…囧 02/20 00:39
shikao:3.0沒contest就和睡了差不多= = 02/20 00:50
proudwit:我3.0 的工人幾乎都出來外面 乘涼 了 XD 02/20 01:47
proudwit:有空也去3.5 湊熱鬧好了~所以產木頭有搞頭囉? 02/20 01:49
amnotu:初期有搞頭,像我現在的話就不一定了 02/20 11:24
ferguslin:木頭的好處在於一定賣得掉,因此收入穩定,適合時間少的人 02/20 11:50
crueangel:3.5的木頭無法升級,所以只有前期收入豐,中後期就… 02/20 11:57
archon:話說,德版的 Q0 Gold 市場上大概 400,比石頭還猛 $_$ 02/20 11:59
amnotu:哇......是珠寶業的關係嗎? 02/20 12:55
amnotu:COAL也不錯 可以上80 02/20 13:07
thebanana:過著經濟拮据的日子好痛苦= = 02/20 20:10