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※ 引述《slcgboy (艾羅米)》之銘言: : Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:39 pm Post subject: About PTT : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : I heard PTT (Pirates of Trading from Taiwan) guilds but I don't know how to join this. Is there any member of PTT can tell me about this? : 沒錯 有老外在討論板上問了 message from zips , 5.06.08 10:05 Subject Application received Hi can i join your guild please -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message is a copy of the applicant's original message. Make sure to give your regards to your scribe, passing it on to you! 怎麼回答勒.... XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
thebanana:喔 捕魚大戶耶 06/05 16:08
thebanana:你跟他說Brady也在PTT工會裡 叫他加入後要學些中文就好 06/05 16:08
thebanana:其他就不要當小白(他應該不可能當小白拉) 剩下都沒差XD 06/05 16:09
brady0521:話說 brady 大大 好像還沒入會ㄟ 06/05 16:17
wrdoff:又兩個外國人了 不知道怎樣回 XD 06/05 18:22
Crow22312:跟他們說有語言問題, 也請他們幫忙想想辦法 @@? 06/05 18:27
clouddff7:ZIPS是我之前賣我酒桶的大戶.. 06/06 00:08
unwar:Google翻譯多少有用,不然我覺得可以友協助翻譯 06/06 00:09
unwar:偷偷說,其實看到烏鴉大的中文條款,直覺是有沒有這必要 06/06 00:11
unwar:因為還是可以有版友幫忙翻譯,或是透過Google翻譯 06/06 00:11
unwar:但另一個角度就是,PTT工會到底有沒有核心精神? 06/06 00:12
unwar:這樣才比較能夠決定招募條件吧... 06/06 00:13