看板 kapilands 關於我們 聯絡資訊
message from Gifagburg , 10.06.08 17:43 no, you will get an Item. Actually you cant buy this item. Perhaps at special sale (status symbol) some times you can buy it but actually not.And for this Symbol you have normally to pay 150coins for. But if you make the Quest and you finish it you will get the called item/symbol as a gift for making the Quest. 還有三種 他刪掉了 一個是Q1 spices Q7 suits of armor 其他我忘了 8.000 halberds in Q3 <-- i pay 1.000ct for each ! 6.000 salt in Q2 <-- i pay 1.500ct for each ! 20.000 schnapps in Q1 <-- i pay 300ct for each ! 這是兩個任務的物品 還有其他他沒列出來 因為它可以自己產 然後獎品就適用150COINS買到的Status symbol 150coins => 15億喔!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
alec65:150個....那我寧願留下來開VIP = =; 06/10 23:51
wrdoff:不是 是你quest得到的東西==150coins 06/10 23:54
wrdoff:就代表一個東西你可以賣15億... 06/10 23:54
wrdoff:所以大家可以準備去發Quest財了 尤其是武器店的東西!! 06/10 23:58
shikao:還沒接到任務...囧a 06/11 00:02
wrdoff:任務總共有八組 每組東西都不一樣 06/11 00:02
wrdoff:靠ptt發掘囉 德國人都認為這是種樂趣 不跟你講 嘿嘿 06/11 00:03
alec65:真糟糕,我老婆和我老妹都接到了,我沒接到....該不會是.... 06/11 00:05
alec65:某天我想不開,所有特殊建築我都蓋上那麼一棟了= =||| 06/11 00:06
wrdoff:是 我也都蓋上一棟了 剛剛也收到任務 06/11 00:08
FF4u:等系統有訊息再蓋即可吧 06/11 00:08
wrdoff:所以都蓋了還是會收的到任務 隨機的 06/11 00:08
FF4u:我剛剛收到了q6 silk >"< 06/11 00:12
wrdoff:你是哪間Building? Q6 silk 06/11 00:13
ferguslin:Q6 silk 應該是 Treasury 06/11 00:14
wrdoff:恩恩 06/11 00:14
FF4u:我有兩封前兩天是 head quarter ,昨天是Treasury 今天剛蓋好 06/11 00:17
archon:沒蓋 special building 不知道會不會有任務... 06/11 00:37