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Now I announced that, our marvelous guild contest was ended at this time. We see the best and terrific amount of marbles we donated. This representd to our highly capacity and honor. We did it! The result will be declared after few days. Please wait for our lastest news, thanks for everybody! -- kapi 3.0英文版免費商業線上遊戲網址:http://www.kapilands.com kapi-regnum 3.5英文版免費商業線上遊戲網址:http://www.kapi-regnum.com PTT討論看板:(C)lass【 分組討論區 】-> 戰略高手 -> G_Online 電玩 -> Kapilands -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: