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George Michael-Amazing 不可思議 專輯:Patience (2004/3/18) Written by Johnny Douglas, George Michael I was mixed up when you came to me 當你來到我身邊 我百感交集 Too broke to fix said 'daddy what you gone, I'm missing my baby' 心碎難以撫平 我說:「是我逼你走的,我想念我的寶貝。」 Still missing my baby 依然思念著我的寶貝 I was stitched up by the hands of fate 命運之手作弄我 Said how you gonna make it on your own if luck is a lady? 說什麼你會自立更生 難道幸運之神是個女生? Maybe luck is a lady 也許幸運之神真的是個女生 I was going down for the third time 我三省吾身 My heart was broken, I was not open to your suggestions 我的心已經碎了 我沒能坦然接納你的意見 I had so many questions 我的內心充滿疑慮 That you just kissed away 你的親吻帶走了我的疑慮 Tell me, I guess that cupid was in disguise 告訴我 我猜想愛神偽裝了一切 The day you walked in and changed my life 你走進我生命的那一天 改變了我的一生 I think it's amazing 真是不可思議 The way that love can you set you free 愛情解放了你 So now I walk in the midday sun 我走在艷陽下 I never thought that my saviour would come 我未曾想過會有救星現身 I think it's amazing 真是不可思議 I think it's amazing 我覺得那是愛情的魔力 I think you're amazing 我覺得你太神奇了! You tried to save me from myself 你試著要來解救我 Said 'darling, kiss as many as you want! 你說:「親愛的,盡管親我吧!」 My love's still available 我的愛依然存在 And I now you're insatiable' 我知道你永遠都不會滿足的 We're like victims of the same disease 我們同病相憐 Look at your big bad daddy and your mom 看看你那親愛的爸爸 你的媽媽 And your mom... was always acting crazy 你媽媽總是那麼誇張 I was going down for the third time 我三省吾身 My heart was broken, I though that loving you was out of the 我的心已經碎了,我覺得愛你是件不可能的事 Question 問題是 Then I say my reflection 我的影子對我說 Saying please don't let this go 千萬別讓這份愛溜走 Tell me, I guess that cupid was in disguise 告訴我 我猜想愛神偽裝了一切 The day you walked in and changed my life 你走進我生命的那一天 改變了我的一生 I think it's amazing 真是不可思議 The way that love can you set you free 愛情解放了你 So now I walk in the midday sun 我走在艷陽下 I never thought that my saviour would come 我未曾想過會有救星現身 I think it's amazing 我覺得那是愛情的魔力 I think you're amazing 我覺得你太神奇了! Celebrate the love of the one you're with 好好慶祝你身邊的這份愛 Celebrate, this life with you baby 滿心歡喜 我和你的一生 I think you should celebrate yeah 我覺得你該好好慶祝一下 Don't put your love in chains baby 寶貝 別讓你的愛受到羈絆 No no, walk in the midday sun 大步走在艷陽下 I thought I was dreaming 我以為我是在作夢 I think it's amazing 真是不可思議 I think you're amazing 我覺得你太神奇了! I said celebrate the love of the one you're with 好好慶祝你身邊的這份愛 As this life gets colder 當這段人生浮現寒意 And the devil inside 你的心魔 Tells you to give up 勸你放棄這一切… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: