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回應精華區 13. ◆ 疑難雜症請來幫忙 z-13-4-2-61 以下為自行聽打,有誤請指正。XXX 表示目前無法辨識。 Look up *Tell me what do you think when you look up into the vast sky We'll be on you when you won't find a helping hand Just preservere on And you will pull through Learn to look up when you're down With a frown on your face Don't allow tough situation to weigh you down Turn this XXX into XXX and XXX* When you encounter a certain problem You think it's fine, okay just work it out, un-hun When you needed a break, so you put it aside But you really don't wanna deal with it So XXX Problem gets out of hand And it's complicated, driving you frustrated When you feel like your world is falling apart And you are beginning to lose heart You're alone You need a push to go on Don't XXX 'cause you don't wanna lose it all You're alone Your problem is too much now Look up, look up, there's hope out there Repeat * not straight ahead When you're walking home you can look up at the vast sky You will find that there's a bigger one out there You know there're others who care for you XXX Problem gets less complicated And you've got it in your hands now, it's not that frustrated You can take those falling pieces and start to XXX 'Cause you know you are not going to lose heart You're not alone You can take on a helping hand Don't XX 'cause you don't wanna lose it all You're not alone Your problem is too much now Look up, look up, there's hope out there Repeat * 歌曲: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67QrkDeDOsc
-- I went into a clothes store and a lady came up to me and said "if you need anything, I'm Jill". I've never met anyone with a conditional identity before. --Demetri Martin -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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