看板 medstudent 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我寄了封E-mail問星國政府 能否承認更多的台灣醫學院學歷, 回應如下, 大意是2007年增加認可計畫已經告一段落, 目前沒有進一步的打算。 Dear ******, 1. We refer to your email below, which suggests for more Taiwanese medical schools to be recognised by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) for medical registration. 2. We would like to share that the review of medical schools or colleges for the Schedule of the Medical Registration Act (Cap 174) is undertaken by the Schools Review Committee of SMC. Such review exercises are conducted periodically and independently by the Committee. As you may already be aware, SMC currently recognises the qualifications from 2 Medical Colleges in Taiwan, namely, the College of Medicine (Taipei), National Taiwan University, and the College of Medicine (Tao Yuan), Chang Gung University. 3. There are currently no plans to conduct a review of the list of schools. However, we thank you for the information you have provided and it may be taken into consideration at the next review exercise. 所以除了台大和長庚畢業之外, 其他醫學系就少了新加坡執業此一選項。 雖然新加坡醫師收入和環境好不到那去, 但整體的醫療前景和風雨飄搖的台灣比起來, 我想是好很多的。 不然,好好的待台灣沒事, 幹麻想移民? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CKun:看來醫學系排名可以重新洗牌,長庚可以名列第二? 07/20 12:26
pooi:之前看過新加坡醫院對外招人的訊息 其實感覺蠻現實的 07/20 12:35
pooi:只要那些累科的R 而且我想你去那邊當R也不一定有VS升 07/20 12:36
cooltyus:當外勞而已 你以為它門把你當自己人喔.. 07/20 12:37
midoril123:好像每年聯考要填志願時這種文章就會出現(茶) 07/20 14:00
midoril123:台灣畢業跑去新加坡職業的台灣本地學生根本少少之又少 07/20 14:02
pooi:因為通過新加坡考試也不容易阿 還不如拼USMLE 07/20 14:18
sheepin:新加坡的居留證相對其他國家好拿,萬一哪天醫糾在沒有被 07/20 14:26
sheepin:境管之前可以趕快跑去,沒有邦交也不容易被引渡。 07/20 14:26
stberry:當鬼島勞比較好嗎 07/20 15:21
mark89:不過他們用人也是依自己需求的喔 不一定這麼死板 07/20 15:42
mark89:大家可以參考這篇 其他的都可接受喔 #1C0DKl6s (Medicine) 07/20 15:43
lipitor:專制國家真的會有人想去嗎? 07/20 20:01