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※ 引述《triticeal (triticeal cartilage)》之銘言: : 因為感覺我關鍵字抓不對... : 結果一直找不到相關的資料 : 想問一下前輩 : 打iv時有時候不小因會把空氣打進去,這個空氣應該有個最大量限制吧?大概是多少? : (可以的話也可以提供我關鍵字...) : 另外如果是做Rubin test,我找不到到底該注入多少co2為上限。 : 不知道能不能稍微指點一下...感謝! ===================================================== 1. http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/98/3/231.full 裡面提到: (抱歉我沒學標顏色 @@) In humans, the fatal dose is "uncertain" but is estimated as " 200–300cc." A much lower volume can prove fatal if a right-to-left shunt allows air to bypass the lungs and enter the systemic circulation... 至於其中200~300 ml的出處從http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11176104來 2. http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/761367-overview 可以自己仔細看看 裡面可以看到重點有: (2a) The key factors determining the degree of morbidity and mortality in venous air emboli are related to ~~the volume of gas entrainment, ~~the rate of accumulation, and ~~the patient’s position at the time of the event. 為什麼說是重點?因為致死體積會受到上述因素影響~ (2b) Traditionally, it has been estimated that more than 5 mL/kg of air displaced ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ into the intravenous space is required for significant injury (shock or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cardiac arrest) to occur.However, complications have been reported with as little as 20 mL of air (the length of an unprimed IV infusion tubing) that was injected intravenously.... 個人結論:一般週邊IV而言,10ml 的空氣應該還算是相當安全的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JohnH:有一本古早的英國偵探小說有說 注入10c.c.可以殺人 12/07 11:02
JohnH:我猜"10cc"是從這來的 但我忘記是哪本書了 只記得是英國 12/07 11:02
triticeal:真是不知道怎麼表示感激><... 12/07 12:58
pipiann:要查就查VAE~~Miller's寫0.5ml/kg 12/07 13:32
spicy:樓上你的連結不是跟我貼的一樣嗎 = = 12/07 13:42
spicy:查很多文獻都是預估要200ml以上甚至是300~500ml 12/07 13:47
spicy:所以你說MILLER寫0.5ml/kg ...有點怪怪的 12/07 13:48
spicy:方便附上出處或文字嗎? 12/07 13:48
spicy:另外我要再次強調,我文中也提過了,致死劑量受許多因素影響 12/07 13:50
spicy:不知道你說的0.5ml/kg這劑量是可能出現minor complication? 12/07 13:50
spicy:或這是lethal dose? 12/07 13:51
spicy:另外根據 American Society of Anesthesiologists 12/07 14:07
spicy:2001 Feb;94(2):360-1 12/07 14:07
spicy:"Volume of Air in a Lethal Venous Air Embolism"中 12/07 14:08
spicy:The lethal volume of air in an adult human is unknown bu 12/07 14:08
spicy:-t is estimated to range from 200 to 300 ml. 12/07 14:09
spicy:查到幾個說法fatal amount 幾乎都是 3~5 ml/kg ~ 12/07 14:18