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醫學二 1. There is increasing evidence that endothelins participate in a variety of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and myocardial infarction. 來源: Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 10th ed - B. Katzung (McGraw-Hill, 2006) 電子書上沒標頁數怎麼辦QQ 醫學一 1. Lesions near the stylomastoid foramen result in loss of motor function only (i.e., facial paralysis). 選項C internal acoustic meatus裡的facial nerve再出來 就是stylomastoid foramen這裡損傷 不會有味覺受傷 來源: Moore 第7章Head p945 8. The vertebral arch is posterior to the vertebral body and consists of two (right and left) pedicles and laminae (Fig. 4.2A). 所以arch本身就包lamina and pedicle? 來源: Clinical Oriented Anatomy by Moore 章節 Back p481 http://ppt.cc/rzPb 11. Anterior Wall的Deep Ring/Lateral Third部份組成: Internal oblique plus lateral crus of aponeurosis of external oblique 來源: Clinical Oriented Anatomy by Moore 第二章 Abdomen p217 table 2.5 http://postimage.org/image/tvyp6urkt/ 20. 手肘彎曲時,尺骨頭(head of ulna)與下列何者接觸? (A)尺骨切迹(ulnar notch)應為ulnar notch of radius才為正確解剖名詞,專有名詞錯 誤造成誤導,此題應送分。 來源: 待補 62. M cell跟分泌IgA似乎可以扯上一點關係, 但是還沒找到教科書中的文句 佐證: 缺教科書佐證 解釋: 小腸黏膜M細胞也分泌IgA行保護作用。 答案應為 A C 來源: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8203718 Am J Trop Med Hyg. 1994;50(5 Suppl):10-3. Mucosal immunization via M cells for production of protective secretory IgA antibodies. Neutra MR, Kraehenbuhl JP. 63. 補體(complement)活化過程中產生之C3b convertase能分解C3,製造大量C3a及 C3b。其中C3b之功能為何? 解釋: Antigen及antibody之間連結都為非共價鍵,選項B說共價鍵連結為錯誤,此題應送 分。 佐證:Lange Microbiology and Immunology, chapter 57 Immunity, Antigens The interaction of antigen and antibody is highly specific, and this characteristic is frequently used in the diagnostic laboratory to identify microorganisms. Antigen and antibody bind by weak forces such as hydrogen bonds and van der Waals' forces rather than by covalent bonds. 68:Epstein-Barr病毒 (EBV)感染人體後和免疫系統相互作用會引起各式各樣的疾病。下 列何者 不屬於EBV感染後引起的疾病表現? 內容: acute lymphoid leukemias (ALLs) are predominantly cancers of children and young adults. The “L3” or Burkitt's leukemia occurring in children in developing countries seems to be associated with infection by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in infancy. Subtyping of the various forms of ALL used to be done according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification,[18] which was used for all acute leukemias (including acute myelogenous leukemia, AML). ALL-L1: small uniform cells ALL-L2: large varied cells ALL-L3: large varied cells with vacuoles (bubble-like features) Each subtype is then further classified by determining the surface markers of the abnormal lymphocytes, called immunophenotyping. There are 2 main immunologic types: pre-B cell and pre-T cell. The mature B-cell ALL (L3) is now classified as Burkitt's lymphoma/leukemia. Subtyping helps determine the prognosis and most appropriate treatment in treating ALL. L3 type的ALL跟EBV感染造成有關,此題沒有答案,應送分。 佐證: Harrison 17版 章節:GENERAL ASPECTS OF LYMPHOID MALIGNANCIES 段落:Etiology and Epidemiology (手邊只有電子書,不知道正確章節及頁數) 請大家一起幫忙了!! 感謝~~
lpa:63題我也很想申覆,可是隨便網路查C3b就是一種oposonin, 08/02 14:15
lpa:和病原菌表面用covalent bond結合...不知你是否查到課本相關 08/02 14:16
lpa:內容? 08/02 14:16
※ 編輯: aantenna 來自: (08/02 16:49)
lpa:建議你每加一題再po一篇,這樣大家才看得到喔... 08/02 17:18
wlmi:好 感謝1大建議 08/02 20:52
word2000:63 Nascent C3b has the transient ability to form 08/03 08:27
word2000: a covalent ester bond with a variety 08/03 08:27
word2000:所以有共價鍵喔 08/03 08:28
word2000:1.他是說附近 然後選'最'不可能 所以C附近還是有可能 08/03 08:29
word2000:8.題目有說跟body連接 所以只能是pedicle 08/03 08:30