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※ 引述《elaine613 (六一三)》之銘言: : 一開始庫柏跟墨菲說世界上沒有鬼 : 然後跟墨菲聊到科學的定義 : 他好像說了一句:「科學就是證明未知的事物」 : 有強大的板友知道這句話的英文原文嗎? : GOOGLE各種關鍵字好像都沒有人提到 Murph: You said that science was about admitting what we dont know. Donald: She's got you there. .... Cooper: Ok Murph, you wanna talke science. Dont just tell me youre scared of some ghost. Record the facts, analyze - get to the how and the why and present your conclusions. Deal? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1417675648.A.9E0.html
aircat: You gotta go further.. 12/04 19:24
KAOKAOKAO: 這篇這麼有參考價值竟然沒推?? 12/07 22:43
josefina: 推 02/11 21:33