看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Princeton University mathematician and Nobel Prize winner John Nash, whose life was the subject of the film "A Beautiful Mind," was killed in a taxi crash along with his wife in New Jersey on Saturday. Nash and Alicia Nash were in a taxi on the New Jersey Turnpike when the driver lost control and crashed into a guard rail, said New Jersey State Police Sgt. Gregory Williams. Nash was 86; his wife was 82. Authorities don't believe Nash or his wife were wearing seat belts since they were both ejected from the taxi, said Williams. The couple lived in Princeton, New Jersey. http://0rz.tw/XrS7I 電影美麗境界中的數學家John Nash與其夫人,於紐澤西一起計程車車禍中身亡。
sampsonlu919: Rest In Peace 05/24 22:05
lpb: R.I.P. 05/24 22:05
※ 編輯: ztopip (, 05/24/2015 22:06:41
lovebz: R.I.P............. 05/24 22:07
※ 編輯: ztopip (, 05/24/2015 22:08:04
niniokita: Sad..... 05/24 22:08
dill23152002: 年紀都這麼大還這樣走掉>"< R.I.P 05/24 22:09
zzz41432: R.I.P 05/24 22:10
idxxxx: R.I.P. 05/24 22:11
yu1164: R.I.P 05/24 22:14
nosweating: R.I.P... 05/24 22:14
allouteffort: R.I.P. 05/24 22:16
jpp: R.I.P. 05/24 22:23
qn123456: R.I.P. 05/24 22:28
tupacshkur: R.I.P. 05/24 22:29
NrQ: R.I.P 05/24 22:32
Nsmayay: R.I.P 05/24 22:38
marssilence: R.I.P 05/24 22:41
amuro0126: R.I.P. 05/24 22:43
onlinetvshow: RIP 05/24 22:44
a176893: 沒綁安全帶彈出車外.....R.I.P 05/24 22:49
newkiss: R.I.P. 05/24 22:51
lubar: R.I.P 05/24 23:03
proprome: 天啊...R.I.P 05/24 23:03
toba: 天啊! 05/24 23:04
pognini: R.I.P 05/24 23:14
Maupassant: R.I.P. 05/24 23:19
darlenechen: QQ 05/24 23:19
NANJO1569: R.I.P TT 05/24 23:19
Drexler: R.I.P. 05/24 23:20
sthho: R.I.P. 05/24 23:28
RedCarp: rip 05/24 23:28
CR007: R.I.P 05/24 23:29
alu0228: Rip 05/24 23:44
gelion: r.i.p. 05/24 23:51
coldplay5566: 天啊!怎麼會! 05/24 23:51
everyanzi: R.I.P. 05/24 23:54
toietmoi1215: R.I.P. 05/24 23:57
lubor: R.I.P. 05/25 00:04
newest: R.I.P. 05/25 00:07
koln: 戲劇的ㄧ生 竟是如此結束 !! 05/25 00:22
jerichoholic: R.I.P. 05/25 00:36
lumorrison: QQ最近才在讀他的賽局 05/25 00:37
global: R.I.P. 05/25 00:40
naipi: 有唸經濟學都一定會認識的大師 R.I.P. 05/25 00:44
kenco: R.I.P. 可惜了 05/25 00:48
tolapee: R.I.P 上禮拜剛看美麗境界 05/25 01:01
positMIT: RIP 05/25 01:16
Arctica: R.I.P 05/25 02:45
garlin0127: RIP我們經濟老師超愛他 05/25 02:46
patrickleeee: R.I.P. 05/25 03:28
vodajing: R.I.P. 05/25 03:52
lch2011: R.I.P. 05/25 04:26
JackSmith: R.I.P,一路好走。 賽局理論是我很喜歡的理論。 05/25 05:26
pc66: R.I.P. 05/25 05:51
SODHD: R.I.P 05/25 07:13
munto: R.I.P 05/25 07:34
retsuya001: R.I.P. 05/25 07:50
barere: R.I.P 05/25 10:13
whathell5168: R.I.P. 05/25 10:15
Bruce78522: R.I.P 納許平衡超有趣 05/25 10:35
b1924019: R.I.P 05/25 10:55
SKnight: R.I.P. 05/25 17:15
ArlenLi: R.I.P. 05/25 17:17
easyking: R.I.P 05/25 17:41
perle01: 很喜歡這部電影 好難過 R.I.P. 05/26 19:53
engram: R.I.P 05/26 20:25
edmund5209: R.I.P 05/28 11:31
ywLiu70 : R.I.P. 南無大悲觀世音菩薩 08/11 20:33
bat5566 : R.I.P. 09/06 09:45