看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好 我來補上次說好的後半部了 一切開始之前 我要先感謝版友Precocious 願意幫我校稿 補上ㄧ些空格 我原本因為一些個人勤務因素 打算斷尾 感謝他讓我重新振作 繼續完成這段翻譯 萬分感謝! 分隔線中間的數字 表示這段是幾分幾秒開始 兩旁則是名次本身 若你知道空格中應填什麼字 歡迎推文指正 當然 如果你覺得我翻得不夠好 盡量噓 沒關係的 --------------------(以下正文)-------------------- Before lights, camera and action, you have to start with the location. These a re the top 10 movie sets ever built. 在打光、拍攝和演戲之前,你要先從地點開始。這些是影史十大佈景。 10101010101010101010(00:14)10101010101010101010 Kicking us off number 10, things always seem to get crazy when Hollywood decid es to throw water in the picture. 我們從第十名開始,每當好萊塢要在電影中加入水的場景,場面總會變得瘋狂起來。 And for sets, that might be Hook’s 30000 square-foot pirate _____; 至於佈景,可能上榜的有Hook(虎克船長,1991)中,面積約2787.1平方公尺的海盜[船]; Or Pirates of the Caribbean’s Port Royal; or The Goonies' Inferno, a beautifu l 105-foot-long underground ship. But for our number 10, it doesn't get much c razier than the atoll from Waterworld. 或是Pirates of the Caribbean(神鬼奇航系列,2003) 的港口;或是The Goonies(七寶奇 謀,1985)中,約32公尺長的地底大船。但對於第十名,沒有比Waterworld(水世界,1995) 中的環礁似的人工島更瘋狂的了。 Dennis Gassner's massive 22-million-dollar, thousand-ton behemoth of a set of quarter-mile around used up every single bit of steel in the whole state of Ha waii. Most of the sequences were shot next to the shore, rotating the atoll ar ound so that the camera was always pointed out towards the ocean; but eventual ly they towed the entire thing out to sea to shoot degree-360 shots. But with all the steel, and money and sizes, they forgot one thing: bathroom. So, they have to stop shooting and bring a ferry every time anyone had to poo. Dennis Gassner設計,花費220萬美元建造,重達數千噸,如同巨獸一般的佈景,覆蓋了 周圍約402公尺的海域,用掉了整個夏威夷州的鋼鐵。大部份的場景都在岸邊拍攝,然後 轉動整個人工島嶼,使攝影機一直向外對著海洋拍攝。但最後整個佈景被拖移到海中央, 拍攝360度的完整樣貌。但用了這麼多鋼材、金錢和空間,他們忘了一樣東西:廁所。所 以,每當有任何人要上大號,他們就必須停止拍攝,把有廁所的渡輪開過來。 99999999999999999999(01:06)99999999999999999999 Now Waterworld’s atoll was pretty big, but it got nothing on our number 9, wh ich could be Rear Window's city block that famously wasn't tall enough for Hit chcock, so they ripped out the floor and built into the studio's basement; or The Last of the Mohicans' Fort William Henry. Could even be The Matrix Reloade d's mile-long highway sets. But for our number 9, we got to give it to Batman' s 4.1 million-square-foot Gotham City. 目前而言,水世界的人工環礁規模很大,但跟第九名比起來小多了。可能上榜的有Rear W indow(後窗,1954)的街區:希區考克認為實景不夠高,就拆了工作室的地板,由地下室往 上搭景;或是The Last of the Mohicans(大地英豪,1992)的整座堡壘。也可能是The Mat rix Reloaded(駭客任務2,2003)中,約1.6公里長的高速公路。但我們的第九名必須頒給B atman(蝙蝠俠,1989)中,約3.81平方公里的高譚市。 That's right, we said million. And you can thank designer Anton Furst for the unique architecture of this entire world; Furst actually went out of his way t o make this city the ugliest metropolis imaginable. The set itself took up 18- whole sound stages and nearly all of the 95-acre backlot at Pinewood Studio, u ltimately becoming the largest, most oppressive fake city ever committed to f ilm. 是的,我可能算錯,你不可能聽錯。你應感謝造景設計師Anton Furst為整個世界觀設計 的特殊建築。Furst真的想盡辦法把這座城市變得可想像到最醜陋的大都會。這個造景用 了整整十八架攝影棚與幾乎整個工作室的95個外景場地,最後變成影史最大,最有壓迫感 的虛構城市。 88888888888888888888(01:58)88888888888888888888 Of course Gotham doesn’t have the monopoly on big city sets. Back in the gold en age of Hollywood, a slew of historical epics led to some sets of epic propo rtions. There's Intolerance's Great Wall of Babylon, a 300 foot-tall colossus that cost nearly 2.5 million in 1916's dollars. And the Pharaoh city from the Ten Commandments; I’m said the people thought was destroyed until archeologis ts dug it up in the California desert. There was Ben Hur's chariot arena that took a year to carve from stone; or even The Fall of Roman Empire's forum, the largest outdoor set ever built at the time. But for giving slots to the Roma n forum, Cleopatra’s takes the cake. 當然不是只有高譚市有巨大的城市佈景。回想當年,好萊塢的黃金時代,一大串的歷史史 詩片造就一些非常巨型的佈景。例如Intolerance(忍無可忍,1916)中,約91.4公尺高的巴 比倫大城城牆,造價250萬美元(未記入通膨)。以及The Ten Commandments(十誡,1956)中 法老王居住的城市;我指的是原本以為被拆毀了,直到考古學家從加州沙漠底把它挖出來 那座。還有Ben Hur(賓漢,1959)中的賽馬場,花了一年時間由石頭雕刻而成;甚至The Fa ll of the Roman Empire(羅馬帝國淪亡錄,1964)的古羅馬廣場,當年最大的室外佈景。 但關於古羅馬大廣場,這格位置的優勝者由Cleopatra(埃及艷后,1963)獲得。 Allegedly twice the size of the original forum and even more expensive: they e ventually built the damn thing twice. Once in London and then again in Rome af ter the first one get ruined and Elizabeth Taylor got sick from the cold. Unfo rtunately, Rome was just as cold as London and the whole production nearly ban krupted the 20th-Century Fox, but at least we got this awesome set out of it. 據稱是真正遺跡的兩倍大小,而且更貴:整個佈景被建造了兩次。原本在倫敦搭景,但佈 景受損以及伊麗莎白泰勒感冒之後,又在羅馬重新搭景一次。可惜羅馬的天氣還是跟倫敦 一樣過冷,整個拍攝工程差點導致福斯電影公司破產,但至少我們從中獲得了這個很棒的 佈景。 77777777777777777777(02:55)77777777777777777777 Of course, bigger isn’t always better. Size isn’t everything. It’s not the scale of the ship; it’s the motion of the ocean. Penis jokes. I’m making pen is jokes. And just like penises, sometimes the best sets are the smallest ones ; or at least that’s what we like to tell ourselves. So for our number 7, we turn to beautiful miniatures, like Harry Potter’s Hogwarts; the snow fortress from Inception; Manhattan from Escape from New York; any of the miniature set s from King Kong; and especially some of the gorgeous world building from Lord of the Rings, including the still enormous at one seventy-second scale Minas Tirith. However, for our pick, we have to hand it to the gorgeous, future-insp ired city from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. 當然,比較大不一定比較好,尺寸不是一切。(黃色笑話跳過)所以第七名,我們交給漂亮 的模型屋。例如Harry Potter(哈利波特系列,2001)的霍格華茲學院:Inception(全面啟 動,2010)的雪地堡壘;Escape from New York(紐約大逃亡,1981)的曼哈頓島;King Kong (金剛,1933)中的各種小模型;尤其是Lord of the Rings(魔戒系列,2001)的許多豪華的 建築,包括1:72的大城市,仍然相當巨大的模型屋。但是,我們選擇把第七名交給弗里茨 朗的Metropolis(大都會,1927)中,華麗的、啟發未來世代的城市。 Estimated at 60000 square feet at miniature scale, Metropolis City is the orig inator, the innovator, the O.G. (Original Generation) futuristic city ever cre ated. It had it all: Planes, trains and automobiles along a highway-crisscross ed skyscape of epic proportions. They even placed live-action extras on the mi niature set with nothing more than the clever use of mirrors, carefully scrape d into the exact size and shape of the set. 面積約5574.2平方公尺的大都會模型是所有都市模型的最初始者,最創新者以及最遠古者 。裡面什麼都有:大規模的飛機、火車、塞車以及高速公路交錯的天際畫作。他們甚至利 用鏡像原理,把活生生的演員修成符合小模型的大小與尺寸。 66666666666666666666(03:56)66666666666666666666 In keeping with our "less is more" mantra, we’re stripping it down even furth er to the sets that managed to be brilliant in their simplicity, rather than t heir scale or intricacy. So for our number 6, we want to give our pick to set- minimalism because is the quality of the set really determined by how big or b ulky or even beautiful it is? Or it is perhaps how it helps the filmmakers tel l a good story. So, for as far as minimal sets go, we first have to tip our ca ps to Buried, and entire film shot in a single wooden coffin, which were actua lly 7 different coffins with a variety of different sizes and missing walls. B ut when it comes to minimalism, nothing can possibly stand out to the beautifu l simplicity of Lars von Trier’s Dogville and the bare white painted-out line s that made up its town. 為了維持我們「小也是一種大」的濟世真言,我們把目標放得更小,因簡約而優異的佈景 ,而不是光靠規模或複雜度。所以第六名,我們想頒發給簡約主義的佈景,因為:一個佈 景真的是靠大小、體積、雕飾來決定好壞嗎?或者也許是這個佈景如何幫助電影人說一篇 好故事 ,真正決定它的品質。所以,就簡約而言,我們要先向Buried(活埋,2010)的佈景 脫帽致敬,整部電影都在一個木棺中拍攝;其實是七個不同大小與開口的木棺合作而成。 但提到簡約主義,沒有競爭者可以超越拉斯馮提爾的Dogville(厄夜變奏曲,2003),只靠 畫出的白線來組成一座小鎮。 Lars has always been a bit of a maver, so for Dogville he repurposed a bracket ing technique more often found in Black Box Theater, simultaneously stripped a way the artifice while pointing a finger at it. With the distractions all gone , all that was left was just humans and their emotions. 拉斯總是有點獨斷獨行,所以他拍攝厄夜變奏曲時,為在黑箱劇場比較常用的烘托技巧賦 予新的詮釋,同時在他主導下移除絕大部分的人造物體。既然所有讓人分神的要素都被移 除,觀眾只能專注於演員與情緒上。 55555555555555555555(05:00)55555555555555555555 Of course, not all sets exist in the physical world. So, for our number 5 pick , we’re diving into the world of digital architecture. Sure, The Hobbit’s Go blin Town was filled with some less-than-impressive cartoon villains, but the set itself was wonderful. 當然,並非所有的佈景存在於現實世界。所以,為了選出第五名,我們要鑽研數位建築的 世界。當然,The Hobbit(哈比人系列,2012)的哥布林村塞滿了很多不太令人印象深刻, 又畫得不太好的反派,但村莊本身很美。 And what about the ____ from Tron? 那麼Tron: Legacy(創:光速戰紀,2010)的[網路世界]如何? Or Gladiator’s massive coliseum? Or practically every single set from Sin Cit y? There’s the home tree from Avatar; the Hot Gates from 300; and the giant t rash pile that was earthed for WALL-E, all intricately crafted, designed and b uilt with pixels instead of plywood. But for number 5 pick, we have to give it to none other than the massive digital creation of Bricksburg for The Lego Mo vie. 或是Gladiator(神鬼戰士,2000)的大型競技場?或者基本上Sin City(萬惡城市,2005)所 有的佈景?Avatar(阿凡達,2009)中,潘朵拉星球的大樹;300(三百壯士,2006)的溫泉關 ;還有為WALL-E(瓦力,2008)埋下的大型垃圾山,都細緻地被描繪、設計,然後用像素建 造,而不是真的用板子一片一片建成。但是我們的第五名,必須只頒發給The Lego Movie (樂高玩電影,2014)中,巨大的數位創作:樂高堡。 The entire film was built from actual physically available Lego bricks by the 3D modelers at a massive scale in Lego’s Digital Designer, imported into ____ and then textured, lift, animated and rendered. 整部電影是用現實生活中可取得的樂高積木,經由LDD軟體大規模地合成3D積木模型,植 入[電腦]後,再被塑形,移動,繪製,然後輸出。 And when we said ‘built’, we don’t mean sketch in out of faraway 3D cubes t hat they faked these Legos; we mean brick by brick. While we don’t think it’ s quite fair that these guys pretty much got paid to play with toys, we love t he worlds they created with them. 而我們說「建造」,並不是指他們粗略地用3D方塊描繪出假的積木;而是指他們一個數位 積木接一個數位積木,在電腦上拼裝。雖然覺得這些人玩玩具還有薪水拿不太公平,我們 還是喜歡他們創造出的世界。 44444444444444444444(06:01)44444444444444444444 For number 4, let’s take a look at some of the massive fantasy worlds product ion designers have been asked to create. Designers like John Berry and Dennis Gassner created worlds like Tatooine and Spectre in places like Tunisia and Al abama where they still ill-received and disused today. 第四名,我們來看看設計師被要求建造的一些巨大的奇幻世界。John Berry在突尼西亞創 造了Star Wars(星際大戰之曙光再現,1977)的Tatooine星球造景,如今卻受到不好的對待 (譯註:此區域現在被ISIS佔領);另一位Dennis Gassner 也在阿拉巴馬州創造了Big Fis h(大智若魚,2003)的Spectre村莊,如今也被棄置不用。 But if it’s the entire town you want, look no further than grand ____’s Hobb iton from Lord of the Rings. 但如果你要的是整個城鎮,不用找了,就是魔戒系列中,又大又[自然美]的哈比村。 After spotting the perfect shire-like location from a helicopter, a 9-month se t-built began at this former (and actually still current) sheep farm. Landscap ing, bridge-building and 37 different Hobbit holes decorate the city of the se t, and when they wanted an extra oak tree, they just chopped one down, carved it in and decorated them with fake leaves. Today it’s a major tourist attract ion, but back in 1999, it was a visionary example of a fantasy world brought t o life. 在直升機上看見像書中哈比人居住區一樣的地方之後,耗時九個月的搭景工程就在這座牧 羊場(至今仍然是綿羊的放牧區)開始了。人工造景,搭橋,37窩哈比洞穴裝飾了這個佈景 城,當他們需要再多一棵橡樹,就砍掉一棵,切成適合的大小,然後用假的樹葉來裝飾。 今天這裡是熱門的觀光景點,但當初,1999年時,這種遠見是奇幻世界成真的絕佳範例。 33333333333333333333(06:57)33333333333333333333 Counting down to number 3, we want to take a look at some of the crazy things happening on the European side of the world. Hans Poelzig designed an entire l opsided expressionism city in a Berlin studio for Der Golem; and Sergei Ivanov set a crew of 400 to the task of recreating the battle of Stalingrad down to the smallest detail. But for our pick, we’re going with the awesomely absurd and actually pretty creepy set of the yet unreleased Dau. 一路倒數到第三名,我們要特別看看歐洲地區出現的一些瘋狂佈景。Hans Poelzig為了De r Golem(無中譯,1920)在柏林的工作室設計了整座表現主義,歪歪斜斜的城市;Sergei I vanov請了四百多人來完成任務:重現當初Stalingrad(史達林格勒3D,2013)戰爭中所有鉅 細靡遺的細節。但我們選中的是尚未發行的Dau(尚無中譯)荒謬而美妙,鬼影幢幢似的佈 景。 The director, Ilya Khrzhanovsky, which is not easy to pronounce and mostly lik ely mispronounced right here, created a beautiful recreation of 50’s Moscow a bout two football fields in size and five stories tall, and populated it with an entire city for extras, all dressing, behaving and talking exactly like the ir characters. Whether the cameras were rolling or not; whether they were in a scene or not; whether they were even in the cast, every day, for three years. 導演Ilya Khrzhanovsky(這個名字的發音不太容易,我們可能已經念錯了)重現了1950年 代美麗的莫斯科,大約兩個橄欖球球場那麼大(譯註:一個球場為約4015平方尺),五層樓 高,裡面住著滿滿的演員,各個從穿著,行為到語言都極為投入角色。不論有沒有人拿攝 影機,不論他們有沒有被拍到,甚至不論他們有沒有在演戲,每天過著那個年代的生活, 整整三年。 He would fine people who used unapproved language, fire people who aggravated him, and use his power and money to seduce the women around him, which probabl y made him more of a ____ ____ totalitarian dictator than a film director. 他會處罰使用他禁止的詞語的人,會驅逐使他惱火的人,還會用他的金錢和權力把他周圍 的女人騙上床,這些都讓他比較像是[濫權的]極權主義的獨裁者,而不像電影的導演。 Dau is almost too weird to describe, but we have to give him some hesitant, mo rally ambiguous props to the man who built an entire Fascist state for the sta te of art. Dau的電影計劃詭異地難以形容,但我們遲疑之後,仍然支持這位不確定有沒有良知的傢 伙,為了藝術的最佳水平而建立一個法西斯政府。 22222222222222222222(08:09)22222222222222222222 Closing in our number 2, rooms and buildings are nice, but what about the desi gners who have built some honest-to-goodness goddamn vehicles? There’s Pirate s of the Caribbean’s Black Pearl, and a full-scale Titanic that was built on a 50-foot tilting platform. There’s Snowpirecer’s gorgeous gimbal-mounted 10 0-meter replica train, and The Empire Strikes Back’s Millennium Falcon. But f or our number 2, there’s nothing more awesome than the titular vessel from Ap ollo 13. 接近第二名,房子和房間是很不錯,但是那些設計師做出的真正美得要命的交通工具又如 何?神鬼奇航系列的黑珍珠號,和建造在約15.6公尺的可傾斜平台上,和原始沈船一樣大 的Titanic (鐵達尼號,1997)。Snowpirecer(末日列車,2013)中,掛在平衡環上,100公尺 長的大型火車複製品,以及The Empire Strikes Back(星際大戰之帝國大反擊,1980)中的 千年鷹號。但是第二名,沒有比Apollo 13(阿波羅13,1995)標題上的載具更好的了。 Hollywood has always used a variety of tricks for weightlessness: CGI, green s creen and wirework from the name of the game, but Ron Howard wanted the real t hing. Now he couldn’t quite build the set in space yet, but he did the next b est fix. Designer Michael Corenblith built the entirety of Apollo set inside N ASA’s vomit comet, a real-deal passenger plane that flew parabolic arch to ac hieve zero-gravity 25 seconds at a time. At two flights a day and 40 arcs per flight, the casts and crew made 612 total zero-G dives and, thanks to this set , spent nearly 4 hours actually weightless. 好萊塢總是用各種小把戲製造無重力的假象(電腦繪圖,綠幕,吊鋼索是最重要的幾個), 但導演朗霍華想要來真的。當時他無法直接在外太空搭景,但他做了第二好的決定。設計 師Michael Corenblith把整個阿波羅火箭的佈景設置在美國太空總署的「反胃彗星」上, 一種超酷的載客飛機,可以以拋物線的弧度飛行,每次可以達成無重力狀態25秒。電影工 作人員們每天升空兩次,每次升空後拋物線飛行40次,拍完片之後,感謝這個佈景,他們 總共進入無重力狀態612次,累積將近4個小時飄在太空艙裡。 11111111111111111111(09:08)11111111111111111111 And finally securing our number 1 slot, what the hell can beat actual zero-gra vity? Maybe it’s some of Christopher Nolan’s insanity, like entire hospital for The Dark Knight, only to just blow it up; or a massive hallway set of Ince ption that actually spun! No, these two just missed our list, but there’s one set that’s even crazier still: the Deep Core Underwater Platform from The Ab yss. 終於,到底是哪一部保住第一名寶座,打敗真正的無重力?也許出自克里斯多夫諾蘭的瘋 狂之下,例如蓋了整座醫院,只是為了在The Dark Knight(黑暗騎士,2008)把它炸掉;或 是Inception(全面啟動,2010)中,真的會旋轉的長廊!不對,這兩項差點就上榜了,但是 有一個佈景甚至顯得更為瘋狂:The Abyss(無底洞,1989)中的海底鑽油平台。 Designer Leslie Dilley and director James Cameron built an honest-to-goodness diving platform in a 7 million-gallon tank in a abandoned nuclear plant, fille d it with water and shot the entire movie underneath. That’s right; the entir e movie was made between 30 and 50 feet underwater by a 26-person diving group . The set went through everything: leaked so big that dam builders had to repa ir them, lightning strikes, algae infestations, chlorine burns, emotional brea kdown, and electrical blackouts. It was an absolutely insane endeavor, the adv enture of a lifetime and massive feat of engineer, which is why we think it’s the best movie set ever built. 設計師Leslie Dilley和導演詹姆斯卡麥隆真的在一座廢棄的核電廠裡,約318500立方公 尺的水槽裡建造了一個潛水平台,裝滿水,然後全片都在水下拍攝。是的,整部電影在9. 1~15.2公尺深的水面下,由二十六人的潛水攝影隊拍攝。這個佈景通過了所有的困難:請 水壩建築師修理嚴重的漏水,雷擊,水質優養化,氯氣與水分子反應造成的燒傷,演員情 緒崩潰,以及斷電意外。這真的是一項瘋狂的努力,此生足矣的一場大冒險,也是工程學 的一大創舉,因此我們認為這是影史最佳的電影佈景。 00000000000000000000(10:12)00000000000000000000 So what do you think? Did we leave out one of your favorite movie sets? Do you disagree with one of with our choices? Got any ideas for our next lists? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to subscribe for more CineFix Movie Lists. 所以你有什麼想法?我們有漏掉你喜歡的佈景嗎?你不同意以上任何一項嗎?有下一個名 單的想法嗎?在以下的推文區讓我們知道,也別忘了訂閱原作的YouTube頻道:Cinefix, 看看我們其他的名單! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1433666999.A.BA7.html
Bigcookie2: 建議行與行之間空格大一點. 英文跟中文之間也在空格06/07 16:59
Bigcookie2: 加大 能的話最好是用顏色區分拉.....06/07 16:59
小的遵命 謝謝你的幫忙 這樣調整可以嗎? ※ 編輯: peter220 (, 06/07/2015 17:25:24
ooic: 推~ 06/07 17:24
lpb: 欸,所以我說那個影片連結呢?06/07 17:48
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=apR5KRWvL0c (吐血)可以不要把我賣去笨版嗎? ※ 編輯: peter220 (, 06/07/2015 17:52:49
icexfox: 感謝翻譯,超有趣的ˊuˋ 06/07 18:11
rex9999: 知識+06/07 21:24
recompress: Abyss第一名真的是當之無愧 06/08 12:55
老實說 在翻譯這篇之前 我只覺得 阿就游泳池嘛 沒什麼 還覺得第三名比較有趣 但是當我查到那一連串問題之後 ...哇...太威了...請受我一拜...
Sugar5566: TDK炸的不是廢棄的醫院嗎?06/08 14:20
不過從工廠改建成醫院 還是需要一番工夫的 (PS.所以這部理所當然地沒入榜) ※ 編輯: peter220 (, 06/08/2015 15:34:57