看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如標題 想請問大家 昨天在 HBO 看了本片 有些感觸和感動 尤其是最後在他新書發表會上 有說了一段話 大意是我們人類在宇宙中很渺小 但一直想了解宇宙的自然法則 我們人類因該要努力 不管有多糟糕 有生命的地方 就有希望 我覺得說的很棒 有人知道那原文嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1453611875.A.AB2.html
nancy3nancy3: 剛剛看完 XD 01/24 14:42
abianshiatai: It is clear that we are just an advanced breed o 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: f primates on a minor planet orbiting around a v 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: ery average star in the outer suburb of one amon 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: g 100 billion galaxies. But, ever since the dawn 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: of civilization, people have craved for an unde 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: rstanding of the underlying order of the world. 01/24 15:13
abianshiatai: There ought to be something very special about 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: the boundary conditions of the universe. And wh 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: at can be more special than that there is no bou 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: ndary... And there should be no boundary to huma 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: n endeavor. We are all different. However bad li 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: fe may seem, there is always something you can 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: do and succeed at. While there is life, there i 01/24 15:14
abianshiatai: s hope. 01/24 15:14
jjy466: nancy 妳覺得好看嗎? 01/25 09:37
jjy466: abianshiatai 萬分感謝! 01/25 09:38
naima29: abianshiatai 萬分感謝!+1! 06/19 14:58