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他在破除幻術之後 大喊一句 你不能回到過去 我也不能(大概意思是這樣) 有人知道原文是什麼嗎? 我英聽不太好 想請教一下各位大大 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1470575967.A.940.html
fox0731: this is a book08/07 21:26
j56skip4wozz: and this is a pen08/07 21:28
khkhs: That is a desk.08/07 21:31
pttnowash: My penis long.08/07 21:35
raycyrus: How are you? I am fine, thank you, and you?08/07 21:38
Playorange: This is an apple08/07 21:38
ThrivinIvory: I see dead people08/07 21:39
dragon50119: Suck my fire dick08/07 21:39
linhsiuwei: Is it good to drink?08/07 21:42
shaiker: Over my dad party.08/07 21:42
Sparrow02002: I'm the king of the world!08/07 21:43
m19871006: I am the bone of my sword08/07 21:46
voon: this is dick08/07 21:48
m19871006: Explosion!!08/07 21:49
auron4041: who am I? I'm spiderman!08/07 21:53
guardian128: I can do this all day08/07 21:55
※ 編輯: js2a117573 (, 08/07/2016 21:58:16
junepuff: Oh… Jack…This is good…08/07 21:58
ppccfvy: where is my god damn shoe?08/07 21:59
linfon00: 焰魔應該是裡面最強的吧...08/07 22:00
我也覺得 正面1v1焰魔應該可以海放其他隊友
zeumax: You can not pass!08/07 22:01
※ 編輯: js2a117573 (, 08/07/2016 22:03:49
gunng: 焰魔身上那個直接提示是 el diablo搞不好更多人懂 08/07 22:06
abc801224: A for apple 08/07 22:07
souldrinking: Ni bu nen hwi Dow gou chi 08/07 22:28
ucda: Next station 黃大仙 08/07 22:44
windr: 變身的時候有帥到 08/07 22:50
v2ssili: 推文沒一個正經的XDDD 08/07 22:52
Drexler: Youuuuuuuuuu shall not pass 08/07 22:54
kris4588: allahu arkbar!!!!!!!!!!!!! 08/07 22:54
jeeyi345: ikusupuroshen! 08/07 23:05
franky1021: Beacuse Im Batman!!! 08/07 23:06
s900037: Yooooooooooo 08/07 23:09
fox0731: Hahahahahahahaha 08/07 23:13
ken10272: You see no see you no see I see 08/07 23:14
RachelMcAdam: language, guys! 08/07 23:47
perlone: We need to cook! 08/08 00:39
PiZ1129: Show me the money 08/08 00:42
yyyui: May show gun more 08/08 01:31
cze71210: Die die die 08/08 01:48
ray1245741: you are not prepared. 08/08 01:53
newgunden: Not even death can save you from me! 08/08 02:24
Jayflacko: Walk on my dead body 08/08 04:20
bellei72973: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 08/08 07:26
JayceYen: 留言超靠杯 哈哈 08/08 07:43
hau7341: you jump I jump 08/08 08:36
Y2Jericho: Big Mac ! Ohhhhhj ya! 08/08 08:49
dinokao123: I will be back 08/08 10:05
wwpuma: You can't pass ! 08/08 10:21
scsa123: You can't see me 08/08 10:38
howyoyoyo: I am the danger 08/08 10:48
jiangchaoyou: why so serious 08/08 11:11
saber102: 想知道 08/08 11:39
Hyver: save Martha...why did you say that name?! 08/08 12:07
Landtoss: WO BU SHI FAN LAURN 08/08 12:53
agn0000099: shiny! ha 08/08 13:11
Lankurix: Aquaman sucks 08/08 13:20
m931642: It's Raw!!! Get out here 08/08 13:40
FK56: Because I'm batman! 08/08 13:54
shutout5566: say my name! 08/08 15:06
s970212: and his name is 08/08 15:49
cesarhsia: riu ga waga teki wo kurau 08/08 17:07
ThatWind: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/08 18:25
Moopoo: 目前為止好像沒人想認真回答 08/08 18:46
SKnight: Metropolis, mankind is introduced to the superman 08/08 20:17
jty02: You are not prepared 08/08 21:16
mymochi: Hakuna Matata 08/09 04:24
mindy1997: Wilsooooooooon!!!!!!!Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!! 08/09 10:04
love9602173: You know nothing Jon Snow 08/09 12:38
ardenlee: today is good day to die 08/10 09:32
MoseHas: 居然沒有By fire, be purged! 08/10 13:42
chenchen14: 我只知道是西班牙文哈哈哈 08/25 20:25
l262732: imdb或許有? 09/02 02:49
chiaki3: 應該是I can't change what I did, and neither can you. 09/04 22:15
stja: 12/06 22:42