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http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/05/17/netflix-to-produce-the-witcher-tv-series goo.gl/DVvcO6 NETFLIX TO PRODUCE THE WITCHER TV SERIES Share. Writer Andrzej Sapkowski will serve as creative consultant. BY JOE SKREBELS Netflix will develop and produce a new show based on The Witcher Saga, the series of eight novels by Andrzej Sapkowski that inspired the hugely popular CD Projekt Red RPG games. Sapkowski - who does not profit from the game series - will serve as a creative consultant on the series. “I’m thrilled that Netflix will be doing an adaptation of my stories," he explained in a press release, "staying true to the source material and the themes that I have spent over thirty years writing." Tomas Baginski - who directed the intro videos for all three Witcher games, as well as the Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer - will direct at least one episode per season. It's not clear as yet what specific stories the series will follow. Executive producers Sean Daniel and Jason Brown (The Expanse), said: “The Witcher stories follow an unconventional family that comes together to fight for truth in a dangerous world. The characters are original, funny and constantly surprising and we can’t wait to bring them to life at Netflix, the perfect home for innovative storytelling.” Platige Image, a Polish production and visual effects house will co-produce. Executive producers Baginski and Jarek Sawko emphasised that the books' subtexts will not be lost in the adaptation: "There is a moral and intellectual depth in these books which goes beyond genre. It is a story about today and today’s challenges, hidden under a fantasy cover. It is a story about us, about the monster and the hero inside all of our hearts.” No release date, casting, or further directorial choices have been revealed at time of writing. Joe Skrebels is IGN's UK News Editor, and he would like to play a Grave Hag. Follow him on Twitter. == 原本以為是要拍電影的, 結果竟然是被Netflix拿去要拍影集了~!!! 爽爆啦~!!! 先出個五季影集,最終再來個電影版~~~ -- 沒有發錯版, 發在這邊原因是原本巫師計畫是要出電影版的, 但計畫一直沒有下文,現在證實是電影版被取消, 改成影集了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1495026467.A.814.html
egg781: 拍影集比較好,因為巫師劇情很多 05/17 21:14
KingKingCold: 別的我沒意見,做愛場景請原汁原味保留,拜託 05/17 21:14
egg781: 除了原作劇情外,可以加入電玩的昆特牌元素嗎?(誤 05/17 21:15
Shoukaku: 還好是影集,如果像刺客那種就算了吧 05/17 21:15
writersky: 原作者會參與顧問,電玩的導演也參與,感覺可以期待 05/17 21:16
SinPerson: 昆特牌可以做特別篇,或每集尾用的彩蛋預告 XD 05/17 21:19
jimmy55311: 是不是要去隔壁版 05/17 21:22
Noii: 喔喔喔喔! 05/17 21:24
IceBear: 轉去EAseries 05/17 21:24
IceBear: 版吧 05/17 21:25
japandan: 剛剛以為我進到NBA版了 還出去外面看一下門牌再進來XD 05/17 21:28
joey0602: 之前有開發電影版,應該就停掉了。netflix有錢,可以拍 05/17 21:33
joey0602: 出質感好的影集 05/17 21:33
Ossicino: 演員要找帥的敗脫<3 05/17 21:34
freeblade: netflix的話 尺度能期待喔 看看sense8 05/17 21:36
pop0311: 說真的,如果拍NBA巫師的記錄片也不錯啦!! 05/17 21:36
GANZ: Geralt:歐咧諾燙 斗肉! 05/17 21:36
xxx60709: 錯版自刪吧 05/17 21:36
senria: 瘋狂做愛 05/17 21:38
※ 編輯: chirex (, 05/17/2017 21:42:28
eric6210: 來場昆特牌吧! 05/17 21:45
poetwang: 波蘭種馬大顯神威 05/17 22:06
xhole: 拜託找凱特貝琴薩演顏耐法...!!!!! 05/17 22:10
xhole: Geralt = Mads Mikkelsen 05/17 22:10
fogg: 老傑就讓連恩尼遜來吧! 05/17 22:12
sky20501: 希望血腥程度有斯巴達克斯的程度 05/17 22:15
uhawae: 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆 了 05/17 22:17
yoanzhong: 主角可以請台灣白狼去演 有帶入性 05/17 22:24
Bigcookie2: 先別管影集了 來場昆特吧 05/17 22:35
bower1025: 書上香豔劇情騎士也沒那麼多 05/17 22:46
sirius65482: 故事就是昆特大賽一路打到冠軍 05/17 22:46
bower1025: 其實 05/17 22:46
w854105: 巫師系列是啥 05/17 22:54
crohns: 之前的影集版根本黑歷史XDDD 05/17 22:55
RevanHsu: 結果內容是昆特牌世界大賽 05/17 23:18
kmte019: 應該是老狼的昆特牌之旅吧 05/17 23:27
must: 推 05/17 23:28
roson1208: 阿不就傑洛特的性愛史 05/17 23:47
b52568384: 波蘭打樁機:昆特 05/17 23:49
linbasohigh: 覺得要有 冰與火之歌 的規模與預算才能拍出巫師的宏 05/17 23:57
linbasohigh: 觀世界觀 05/17 23:58
Babyshambles: 先來場昆特牌吧 05/18 00:01
BaLaBomb: 昆特牌五季打好打滿 05/18 00:11
lycium: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 05/18 00:15
joey0602: 重點是「劇本」。這不是有砸錢在場面就能解決的 05/18 00:15
rwa123456: 波蘭種馬出洞拉!!! 05/18 00:18
sunbulexx: 一路收集卡牌的昆特王傳說 05/18 00:19
dameontree: 太爽了吧 會還原獨角獸那一幕嗎 05/18 00:22
BJme: 趴趴趴會拍出來嗎 05/18 00:43
zien0223: 我想看雙飛劇情啊~~~ 05/18 01:07
rukawajay: 砸錢請人來打牌這樣嗎 XDDDDD 05/18 01:09
JokerBlue: 為啥不是HBO!!!!! QQ 05/18 01:26
JokerBlue: Netflix有時候也很雷啊..... 05/18 01:28
kevin123453: 台灣白狼讓我笑了靠背 05/18 01:31
ts00422832: 請問內文哪裡有提到電影計畫被取消? 05/18 01:41
lee76: 唯一支持正宮葉奈法 05/18 01:43
kurtsgm: 巫師 -- 決勝昆特牌 05/18 01:54
BlackWood: 太神啦 全英文也看 05/18 02:27
deimson: 唯一支持Eva green演葉奈法 05/18 03:24
Pet: 好吧 斯巴達克斯後又一部令人期待的影集 XDDD 05/18 07:08
l33tsupal33t: 支持Mads Mikkleson演傑洛特,然後NX做的我比較擔心 05/18 07:43
l33tsupal33t: 怪物特效... 05/18 07:43
LuckSK: 白狼的%%%場景不能少 05/18 07:51
walkxd136: 應該拍小說,遊戲內容覺得一下就拍完 05/18 08:22
BJme: Eva green演葉奈法還滿適合的 05/18 08:30
patrick13: 先別管怪物了,來局昆特牌吧XD 05/18 08:47
doorsky: 可是葉奈法超平的 Eva... 05/18 08:55
You called that is "平"? https://s2-ssl.dmcdn.net/U1Tmi/1280x720-ft-.jpg
macrose: 什麼叫做葉奈法超平?想決鬥嗎? 05/18 08:58
widec: 葉奈法的外貌是魔法變的吧 05/18 09:15
BJme: 葉奈法不算平吧 只是沒有特莉絲那麼大而已 05/18 09:21
Suwasayo: 走公路打鬼劇情啊,把各種怪物圖鑑打滿 05/18 09:26
kyodaisuki: ! 05/18 09:30
qscNERO: 出坤特電影 05/18 09:47
Chrisority: 昆特牌才是本體XD 05/18 09:54
Lording: 一半在打牌? 05/18 09:56
cdefgh77: Ciri不知道找誰演適合 然後唯一支持Yennefer 05/18 10:02
a3187as: 幹男主角要選誰 05/18 10:17
peterboysh01: 結果有整整一季都是主角在打昆特牌 05/18 10:35
boniyu: 讚讚讚 不過應該18禁吧 05/18 10:36
vestal: 傑哥!!! 傑哥!!!!! 05/18 10:56
Oolong5566: 利維亞的種馬!! 05/18 10:58
yushen1997: 有點興奮了RRRRRㄙ~ 05/18 11:03
porscheruf: 一定要有( . ) ( . )!! 05/18 12:27
schrei: 會有%%嘛 05/18 13:16
※ 編輯: chirex (, 05/18/2017 13:18:44
icemooney: 傑哥要找誰來演呢 05/18 14:13
nacyjacky03: 沒有冰火的預算不會好看 05/18 14:27
wang961726: 啊啊啊啊啊 05/18 14:47
rs813011: 啪啪場景明明就很廢 05/18 15:07
ilove5072: 先來場昆特牌吧,北方間碟流 05/18 16:16
crohns: 獨角獸~~ 05/18 16:19
PumaFoxTz: 錯版 05/18 17:42
PumaFoxTz: 影集 05/18 17:42
PumaFoxTz: 電影版 05/18 17:45
sg1987: 是喔 那要不要來場昆特牌呢 05/18 18:13
PumaFoxTz: EAseries 05/18 18:26
PumaFoxTz: 隔壁版 05/18 18:27
PumaFoxTz: 噓 xxx60709: 自刪吧 05/18 18:27
positMIT: ???????????????? 05/18 19:57
abianblowjob: 這是影集 05/18 23:22
chirex: 這是電影計畫被取消,然後改成拍影集。不算有關聯? 05/19 00:01
lwei781: 找AV 拍其中兩集??? 05/20 07:16
lwei781: 然後十集昆特牌?? 05/20 07:18
wind1729: 先別說這個 要來場昆特牌嗎 05/22 19:24