看板 movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近導演性騷擾演員的爆料層出不窮。 約莫兩個小時前, 冰島歌手同時也是《在黑暗中漫舞》的女主角Bjork, 在個人臉書,告解曾遭該片導演Lars von Trier性騷擾的經歷。 全文: 「 i am inspired by the women everywhere who are speaking up online to tell about my experience with a danish director. because i come from a country that is one of the worlds place closest to equality between the sexes and at the time i came from position of strength in the music world with hard earned independence , it was extremely clear to me when i walked into the actresses profession that my humiliation and role as a lesser sexually harassed being was the norm and set in stone with the director and a staff of dozens who enabled it and encouraged it . i became aware of that it is a universal thing that a director can touch and harass his actresses at will and the institution of film allows it . when i turned the director down repeatedly he sulked and punished me and created for his team an impressive net of illusion where i was framed as the difficult one . because of my strength , my great team and because i had nothing to loose having no ambitions in the acting world , i walked away from it and recovered in a years time . i am worried though that other actresses working with the same man did not . the director was fully aware of this game and i am sure of that the film he made after was based on his experiences with me . because i was the first one that stood up to him and didn't let him get away with it. and in my opinion he had a more fair and meaningful relationship with his actresses after my confrontation so there is hope let's hope this statement supports the actresses and actors all over let's stop this there is a wave of change in the world kindness björk       」 ---------- 難怪Bjork在拍攝《在黑暗中漫舞》時不斷有與導演不合的八卦, 也或許可以解釋為何Bjork拍完這部之後, 就再也不繼續嘗試其他電影演出了。 我非常喜歡這部電影作品, 但知道這個消息後,有種什麼同樣被玷汙了的感覺。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1508081876.A.77C.html
lingz1024: 太誇張了...... 10/15 23:39
to860601: 太扯了... 10/15 23:39
Friedmann: 這些人真的是以前過太爽 10/15 23:40
imgay5566: 拉舌馮提爾 10/15 23:43
salvador1988: .......... 10/15 23:44
holyseraph: 不只美國有 歐洲也是一大堆 10/15 23:45
kuninaka: 之前台灣也有,出獄後還被電影圈鼓舞 10/15 23:46
alwaysstrong: 應該說全世界都有吧 10/15 23:46
ailutfun: 他真的很有病....... 10/15 23:47
holyseraph: 難怪Bjork拍完這部之後 就再也不想演電影了 10/15 23:47
Rodstrupe: 該爆的都爆一爆 10/15 23:48
GEKKAKAJIN: 妮可基曼拍完他的厄夜變奏曲之後也說不再和他合作 10/15 23:51
hiro1221: 跟他的電影一樣黑暗 10/15 23:57
ssaw5166: 有辦法跟他長期合作的只有夏綠蒂甘絲柏吧 10/15 23:58
takuminauki: 但他真的是好導演 10/16 00:05
ilovedt: 不意外 10/16 00:16
oceanwander: 天呀,黑暗中漫舞是我好喜歡的片! 10/16 00:20
※ 編輯: tom91002 (, 10/16/2017 00:22:40
tallhigh: 他我真的不意外,老實說我覺得歐洲應該有過之而無不及 10/16 00:26
kevinfort: 夏綠蒂沒有在拉斯新片的演員名單裡 10/16 00:34
heavensun: 台灣也有 10/16 00:39
orzisme: 這個人...不意外。妮可基嫚拍Dogville也是有類似的情況 10/16 00:48
s085999449: 這篇也幫碧玉QQ 不知道她拿到影后有沒有覺得諷刺... 10/16 01:19
a3300689: 。。。。。。 不太想看他的作品了 10/16 01:25
cappa: 趁這波一次抖出來阿 爽 10/16 01:38
yoshiki0502: 我非常愛這部電影QQ 10/16 01:38
mrmowmow: 有夠噁心,拒看這導演所有作品 10/16 07:37
sonic101276: 我也很喜歡這部電影QQ 10/16 07:38
x111222333: 台灣那個還有鄉民幫他叫號咧,廢物! 10/16 08:50
srx080578: 還有克絲汀鄧斯特也很不爽這導演的樣子 10/16 12:55
srx080578: 可是我還滿愛這導演的作品說 10/16 12:56
beavis77: 哇靠 這電影夠黑暗了 結果內幕更黑暗 10/16 21:05
diffmove: 嘴臉真噁心,拍的電所譴責的社會黑暗,根本就是自己 10/18 23:44
GunTT: 連碧玉長這樣他都要下手 根本好萊屋糖不挑 10/19 19:48
whitehow: 噓樓上 質疑被害者不就很厲害? 10/20 21:23
RH10: 樓上上的言論更噁心 10/23 01:43
stja: 11/25 11:12
imcockroach : @GunTT 01/20 19:07