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新聞網址:https://usat.ly/2rTvgpe 韓索羅編劇: 藍多卡瑞辛是泛性戀 'Star Wars' writer confirms Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian is pansexual in 'Solo' 韓索羅編劇確認藍多卡瑞辛在<韓索羅>中是泛性戀 Here's something Star Wars fans have long known about Lando Calrissian: He's likely the most charismatic character in the galaxy. Here's something they just learned, via Solo: A Star Wars Story writer Jonathan Kasdan: Lando (played by Donald Glover and, earlier, Billy Dee Williams) is pansexual. 長久以來星戰迷都知道藍多是銀河間最有魅力的角色之一 但有一件事是最近才揭發的,星戰編劇Jonathan Kasdan說藍多是泛性戀 When explicitly asked about Lando's gender identity by Huffington Post, Kasdan said, "There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee's (portrayal of Lando’s) sexuality." He continued, "I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie. I think it’s time, certainly, for that, and I love the fluidity ─ sort of the spectrum of sexuality that Donald appeals to and that droids are a part of.” 哈芬登郵報記者問到藍多的性向時,編劇Kasdan說Donald跟Billy Dee所詮釋的藍多有一種 流動性,我的意思是,我當然希望這部電影有更多的LGBT要素,我認為時候差不多了, 我喜歡這種流動性,也就是Donald所展現出來的性別趨向及和女性機器人的感情也是一部分 In Solo, Donald Glover's Lando is as charming as he's always been since Empire Strikes Back, and maybe even more into his capes than ever before. In the new film, his female droid L3-37 (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) comments, "I'm sure you noticed that Lando has feelings for me." And, as some fans have noted since the Solo trailer was released, Lando is flirty toward Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich), at one point calling him "baby." 在韓索羅電影中,Donald所扮演的藍多跟Billy Dee在帝國大反擊一樣迷人, 電影中藍多的女性機器人L3-37說:我相信你注意到了藍多對我有感情" 而且從預告片可以注意到藍多會對韓索羅調情,並稱韓為baby。 Waller-Bridge told USA TODAY this about Lando's relationship with her droid in the film: "The fact that they can be rude and short with each and they can boss each other around is actually what reveals their love for each other and trust for each other," she said. "They’re both very independent characters in their own right and yet they’ve chosen to partner with each other. There’s something I think really romantic about that." Waller-Bridge(扮演L3-37的演員)告訴USA today有關藍多在電影中與女性機器人的關係, "電影中藍多和女機器人常粗魯的大吵,並互相指使來指使去,而這也正是他們情感的表達 ,以及對彼此的互相信任,藍多跟女機器人都是相當獨立的角色,但卻選擇成為搭檔, 我認為這就是這個關係浪漫的地方 She continued: "This world of Star Wars is just so accepting and beautiful that the idea a droid and a human are trying to waddle their way into a relationship is something that’s celebrated." But there's nothing overt about Lando's sexuality in the film; nothing romantic goes on between him and any human or droid. 星戰宇宙最美麗的地方並值得慶祝的,就是在於人類跟機器人建立情感上的關係 但電影中並沒有明顯表達藍多的性向,以及任何感情上的劇情發展 Jonathan Kasdan's father, co-writer and longtime Star Wars scribe Lawrence Kasdan, didn't weigh in on Lando's sexuality in the Huffington Post interview, which he was present for. But the younger Kasdan says Lando's pansexuality is canon. 編劇的父親Lawrence Kasdan,同時也是星戰長期以來的編劇也參加訪談 但他並沒有針對藍多的性向多加解釋,但編劇說藍多的泛性戀是正史(Canon) "I would say yes," he said. “He doesn’t make any hard and fast rules." Cue the Internet reaction that comes from announcing an LGBTQ character in one of the biggest movie franchises in the world. 編劇說" 是的,但電影中並沒有設下明確的鐵則說藍多這個角色該如何設定" 考量到網路上對於星戰宇宙多出一個LGBT性格角色的反應。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1526802938.A.3FE.html
darkbrigher : ....很好 又一經典被毀 05/20 16:01
kuninaka : 恩 05/20 16:01
knightz : 那綠多是...? 05/20 16:13
Delisaac : 有夠無聊 05/20 16:14
C4F6 : 設定一堆又沒演出來,單純是炒作 05/20 16:15
shengchiu303: 星戰王會去看這部嗎? 05/20 16:16
laechan : 以為這樣就有票房嗎 05/20 16:17
HERHER : zzzz 05/20 16:25
turnpoint : 星7跟8毀了Luke、Han後,又要多消費一個角色了嗎? 05/20 16:29
istanblue : doctor who裡的harkness船長也是泛性戀 完全不需要 05/20 16:29
istanblue : 炒這個點觀眾就很能接受了 人物本身沒有內容和深度 05/20 16:30
istanblue : 而只想靠設定少數族群來拉觀眾真的很無聊 05/20 16:30
leoyeh : 馬的,星戰賣給迪士尼就整個走樣了 05/20 16:36
x111222333 : 我只想看好戲,管你怎麼戀 05/20 16:56
nightseer : 無所謂。可以看就好 05/20 17:25
kyouya : 沒有演出來,設定什麼都沒差 05/20 17:45
legend41269 : .....票房一定很慘 這種方式求觀眾 05/20 17:49
ahahahahah : 來了來了 政治正確 05/20 17:56
BF109Pilot : 無聊透了 05/20 18:00
peterw : 只想知道有這個設定對劇情有什麼影響嗎? 05/20 18:02
jakechen1027: 對劇情沒影響不用特別講 05/20 18:52
tedann : 感覺怎麼讓我想起鐵血孤兒後續專訪 05/20 19:01
Tako5566 : 沒差 蘭多看起來就順眼的都上 05/20 19:06
KYLAT : 設定上死侍也是泛性戀 05/20 19:12
diru : 所以Finn的設定到底還是不是他兒子... 05/20 19:36
BF109Pilot : 藍多:我是LGBT 老韓:I Know 05/20 19:36
dorae0903 : 我想看蘭多跟丘巴卡談戀愛 05/20 20:00
ronray7799 : 喬治盧卡斯無話可說 05/20 20:17
laicyun : 覺青高潮 05/20 22:09
zxcvbbb : 這樣正常嗎 05/20 22:18
hoos891405 : 無聊,迪士尼自己搞一個泛性戀的米老鼠啦 05/21 01:01
hoos891405 : 同時跟米奇米妮高飛唐老鴨齊齊帝帝一起搞算了 05/21 01:02
hoos891405 : 質量效應這樣玩就很有趣,星戰這樣子有任何意義嗎 05/21 01:03
tools : ?????? 05/21 02:56
LeStrange : 這根本不用特地說,意料之事,很多東西講明了反而 05/21 03:10
LeStrange : 顯得狹窄 05/21 03:10
OkitaTW : 硬加上去,無聊,總覺得8毀掉星戰 05/21 10:33
nightseer : 覺得無趣的影迷毀滅了星戰才是 05/21 10:43
derek2szr : 迪士尼別再亂搞! 05/21 10:53
checkmarx : 無聊 05/21 12:08
Hollowcorpse: 情調性向是要怎樣 05/22 06:39
hernest01 : 也不該是你來講 05/28 01:22