看板 museum 關於我們 聯絡資訊
東亞的大笨笨們,團結起來! Unite! Idiots of the East Asia! 藝術家 Artists/ 吳中煒 WU Chung-Wei、阿亮 A-Liang、花崎草(日本) Kaya HANASAKI (Japan)、葉芝麟 YEH Lindsay、薛雅文 HSUEH Ya-Wen 策展人 Curator/ 楊子頡 YANG Zi Jie 開幕表演暨座談會 Opening Performance & Panel Discussion/ 2013.08.03 (六) 20:00 展期 Date/ 2013.08.03 - 09.01 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.) 免費入場 Free Admission 交通方式/ ●大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本空間正門。 ●步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50公 尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本空間正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ●地圖 Map 中文版: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=418695844895096&set=a.418695798228434.1073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater English version: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420338138064200&set=a.418695798228434.1073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 過往東亞諸國在西風東漸的現代化過程中,近代思想普遍受西方文化領導權(hegemony ) 之支配。現代人的思想受他者宰制的程度,遠大於自己的想像。印度哲人霍米巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha)提出殖民者與被殖民者之間的關係是彼此相互依賴與對抗的,雙方反而對彼此 產生認同,使得被殖民者即便在政治獨立後與經濟轉型成功,都不意味著它在文化上的自 主與獨立。被殖民地即便脫離了殖民政權後,依舊會根深蒂固的存留著原殖民主國的知識 、經濟、體系與價值觀。(i) 東亞人追求現代性,首先以富國強兵、脫離殖民統治為目標,其次以建設民主憲政、發展 全球化經濟為目標。現代性的起源於西方,其動力乃建基於近代以來各種領域的分裂/差 異,以及分裂之後的調和:宗教與科學的分裂、執政黨與反對黨的差異、貴族與公民社會 、性別的差異。我們該如何從固有的思想資源與實踐經驗中找尋現代性的其他可能,而非 僅僅參照殖民者的思想資源與實踐經驗?(ii) 「在『想像世界』,我們的『超級英雄』舞台也被外來者徹底佔領。我們的孩子只能在『 美漫超級英雄』與『日系超級英雄』之間做選擇,當個『局外人』般的粉絲,對這些外國 英雄所關切的議題和捍衛的價值,只能似懂非懂地揣摩對位,因為他們根本無法清楚閱讀 出埋藏在『美漫超級英雄』戲碼背後的社會問題,也無法明白挖掘出隱諱在『日系超級英 雄』戲碼背後的國家困境。」 ─難攻大士,【鬼島 超級英雄 導論】 在這最後的民國時光中,流亡政府依然在一邊打著只學到一招兩招的新自由主義招牌,亂 蓋核電,簽訂自由貿易協定。另一邊依然上演奪人家產毀人田,變賣家產抵國債的亂劇, 實在是不可忍受! 今天是來江山藝改所喝酒,卻來說著這種無趣味的話,真是抱歉!!! 但我們這些受西方現代文明支配的所謂「文明人」,在思想上如果不加油點的話,恐怕就 如同家畜一般地受人圈養著。甚至連反文化的知識與行動策略也來自殖民母國的歐美橫向 移植,彷彿用以標籤文明開化的程度。「嘩!我們也有Elvis Presley 、判客(Punk)、嬉 皮跟動物權運動哦!夠進步吧!」殊不知嬉皮士(hippies)思想本來就來自東方。 這種亂七八糟的情況,實在無法忍受!所以......奇怪的朋友,這裡一個那裡一個的冒出 來!東瀛傳來「素人之亂」的上街風潮,竟然連難得的大賢者,炳谷行人也加入了這個反 叛集合。 台灣東部的縱谷裡,磨石頭的原住民大哥和阿伯,也用墨玉磨起了番刀跟玉製手榴彈,難 道是想「竹竿掛菜刀」!?但是…什麼!台灣玉中最高級的貓眼石,竟被做成屁股形狀的 愛心....還大言不慚地說「閃動的屁股,是絲絲入扣地愛的表現。」台灣人到底在想什麼 啊?不愧是真正聖潔的萬中選一的幼稚表現。 南島民族的東加(Tongan)智者艾培力.郝歐法(Epeli Hau’ ofa)曾提出海洋應該是作為 各島間的聯結與認同的對象,而非分隔彼此的隔閡。島民生活的空間不應侷限於島嶼本身 ,而是島嶼間的連結。 由海洋連結的東亞人們若是想要團結起來,最簡單的方法不是概念定義和論述,而是意境 感受與喝酒。感覺對了很容易就能夠成為同伴,共同創造出屬於我們自己的東亞酒革命。 (iii) 1. 外在世界一般之群眾運動或事件 [現象] (吸引)=> [群眾、注意力、輿論] => 他者的局 (資本意識形態) 2. 我方理想之行動策略 [創造現象] (吸引)=> [群眾、注意力、輿論] => 自己的局 (新東亞意識形態) 全東亞的大笨笨團結起來,我們失去的將只是思想的鐐銬! -- i. 陶東風(2000),《後殖民主義》,台北市,揚智文化。 ii. 張釗維(2013),決戰世界史─《決戰熱蘭遮:歐洲與中國的第一場戰爭》書評,破報 。 iii. 松本哉(2013),東亞諸眾會議2013之「後佔領 (藝術/行動) 研究」,香港。 Western hegemony has deeply influenced the modern thinking in most East Asian cultures during the process of modernization. The degree of effect is much larger than we can imagine. Indian philosopher Homi K. Bhabha thinks that the relationship of colonists and the colonized people should be confronted but also mutually interdependent. Hybridisation formed in postcolonial time where the essence of knowledge, economics, structure and core value of the colonial country still remained. The process of modernization in East Asian countries focused on their wealth and military strength in preparation of postcolonial era, and followed with development of democracy and internationalized economy. However, originated in the West, the foundation of modernization was based on diversity and conformity, such as religion and science, the governing party and opposing party, noble and civilian, and genders. How can we get rid of what’s being passed down by the Western influences, and look for other possibility of modernization from our own inherited thinking and experience? “In this ‘imaginary world’, our own stage of ‘super hero’ is usually occupied by the imported. Our kids can only choose from ‘American comic super heroes’ or ‘Japanese super heroes.’ As a fan and an outsider, we would never truly understand the issues these super heroes care about or the value they strive to protect because we could only know so much about the social issues behind those American comics or the nation’s predicament hidden in the Japanese super hero fictions.” - “Introduction to Super Hero of the Ghost Island” By Nan Gong Da Shi In the last days of democracy, our exiling government continues its own act of neoliberalism: building nuclear power plant, signing ECFA while taking people’s money, tearing down their houses in order to pay for the countries’ debt. It is beyond ridiculous! Today, we are here at Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo to drink. Please excuse my boring talk. As “civilized” as we are, if we can’t think on our own, we will always be followers of the modern Western world. “Wow! We also have Elvis Presley, punks, hippies and animal rights movement! We’re very culturally advanced!” Little did we know, ideology of hippies came from the East. I can’t stand this nonsense anymore! We can’t stand this anymore. Interesting people started to appear here and there. Even the great Japanese thinker Kojin Karatani has joined the “Amateur Riot.” While the indigenous Taiwanese men living in the east coast mountains form knives and grenades with dark jades, one of the most precious Taiwanese jades, cat eyes are carved into ass-shaped hearts to signify love?! What in the world are Taiwanese people thinking? Epeli Hau’ ofa, the Fiji Islander writer of Tongan descent had said that ocean should be the connection between islands, but not their divider. The living space of islanders shouldn’t be bound by the island itself, but connected by different islands. East Asians are surrounded by ocean. The simplest way to unite us is not with conceptual ideas and discussions but with emotional connections and drinks. As companions, we can create our own East Asian revolution of drinks! 1. Regular mass movement or incident [Phenomenon] (attract)=> [Crowd, attention, public opinion] => Other’s gathering (capitalist ideology) 2. Our ideal strategy [Create phenomenon] (attract)=> [crowd, attention, public opinion] => our own gathering (new East Asian Ideology) Unite! Idiots of the East Asia! Let’s lose the shackles of our thought! https://www.facebook.com/events/427492967364777/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff 來自: (08/07 11:23)