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拆寓言:在無效中實現與之 Allegory-Rending: Practice In Useless 策展人 Curator/ 吳欣潔 WU Shin-Chieh 藝術家 Artists/ 陳俊宇 CHEN Jun-Yu、林怡君 LIN Yi-Chun、陳廷州 CHEN Ting-Zhou 展期 Date/ 2014.03.11 - 04.06 座談會 Panel Discussion/ 2014.03.23(日) 15:00 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.) 免費入場 Free Admission 交通方式/ ●大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本空間正門。 ●步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50公 尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本空間正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ●地圖 Map 中文版: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=418695844895096&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater English version: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420338138064200&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於展覽 About the Exhibition/ 神話,是人們對於未知的投射,而寓言則多半來自於經驗。 寓言的陳述者,藉由許多託付意義的文句,妥善組織劇情、設想畫面、安插台詞與情緒, 期待讀者的閱讀過程,能夠全然理解故事的趣味與寓意。 足以讓所有人深信不疑的神話/真理,已無法在當代文明生活中產生效度。神話與真理彼 此間的矛盾與意義消解,使人們投身不在的未來,跨入拆寓言的域界; 僅有當下,立足 於斷了線頭的未來。 藝術家卻是肆無忌憚的造義者,在看似虛擲且無效中,從事著寓言行為。 他們依據過去的生命經驗與對預言未來的可能軌跡,進行極為個人且私密的真理確認;跟 隨著無以名狀投擲的麵包屑,稱之為旨意與靈感,與之前行,無畏觸碰寓言的禁忌,勇於 投身實踐可能帶來的自我否定,並捨身抓取任何對未來/未知的片段,力圖從中建立意義 。他們嘗試延展、編輯、修正思想,卻又再次否定與破除自身,妥協再現與現實的落差。 生命的意義是在日常無效性中證得的,創作,是為藝術家投射為對未知卻嘗試描述的欲望 ,交織成日常現實的永遠無效性,成就當下的自我,並與之實現。 Myth, is what we project the unknown. Allegory on the other hand, is usually based on daily experiences. Allegory writers often use carefully constructed plots, images, lines and emotions with meaningful words to engage with readers, hoping they would fully understand the meaning and delight behind the stories. Once considered as truths, myths are no longer the same in the modern days. More and more contradictions and doubts lie between myths and truth. Without the projection to the future, people started to look into allegories. Artists are unbridled creators of parable tales. They make up very personal and intimate truth of life based on their previous life experiences and prediction to the future in a seemingly useless process. They are not afraid of taboo, and are eager to negate themselves to try and grasp the meaning of their future. Meaning of life is realized in daily useless activities. Create, is artists’ way to project their desire to explore the unknown future in daily useless acts, and to self fulfill in the here and now. https://www.facebook.com/events/442926262506002/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff 來自: (03/20 17:25)