看板 optical 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Actually, you guys both have your points to talk about your "thoughts". But I think to be a clerk in the store, your job is to satisfy your customers whatever they are. Your duty is to make them know what the value is and feel worth to pay, even though they don't know the benefits of this product at all. I know people just follow the mainstream. That's why customers need to be taught. They might be nitwits right now, but they might be your potential customers in the future. Or you still want to complain that your customers are poor and always ask discount. That's your own choice. I don't know you guys have watched a Porsche commercial before. It talked about a kid who loves porsche car very much. One day, he went into a Porsche dealer to see the new 997 model. The sales didn't reject the kid and also allowed him sitting into it. After that, before the kid left, he asked for a business card and said: "I see you about 20 years ." p.s: Sorry! I can't type Chinese. Don't fix my poor grammar. Thx~~ XD -- 科科 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mars888:寫得很中肯也很實際,但重點終歸一句:「觀點不同」,您所 03/31 17:08
mars888:舉的例子在這個行業也時常遇到...... 03/31 17:10
※ 編輯: zzh 來自: (03/31 17:19)
mars888:溝通後都同意才可成交的,通常不能成交就是在於「觀點不同 03/31 17:19
mars888:」,這點應該不可否認......但,這一系列的討論串不知是否 03/31 17:20
dreaminc:不過就算觀點不同,還是要尊重和不讓人感到不舒服為基準 03/31 17:19
zzh:Sorry! I think I replaced someone's comment. 03/31 17:21
mars888:可至此終止,還給版友們一個清靜且乾淨的空間? 03/31 17:20
zzh:That's the link about the commercial. 03/31 17:22
zzh:maybe you guys can watch it and think the inside meaning. 03/31 17:23
dreaminc:囧 我還在官網找 03/31 17:25
mars888:我想您所要表達的就是「服務至上」吧?這點應該大家都瞭解 03/31 17:24
zzh:that's not my main point. my point is in the first paragra 03/31 17:31
zzh:Attitude is just one part of service. 03/31 17:33
mars888:感謝您的指教,不論是什麼行業,我始終認為「態度」是首要 03/31 17:34
mars888:我自身也隨時注意,十分感謝您提醒。 03/31 17:36
semens:個性店家 VS 超認真消費者 03/31 18:13
billchen0905:如果手工框這種精品就跟百貨公司裡LV等精品的價格一 03/31 19:09
billchen0905:樣透明,有能力的人就買,沒能力的人就遠遠觀賞,反正大 03/31 19:10
billchen0905:家都知道那種東西就是賣那種價錢或許就不會有那麼多 03/31 19:11
billchen0905:爭議了! 03/31 19:15
ilovescorpio:樓上別再另外開話題了...現在叫2打消防車都很難滅火! 03/31 19:48
Freeheart:我用了語言翻譯機 科科 Z大我也要997 XDDD 03/31 19:53
ilovescorpio:Z大的文章粗略看過沒啥錯,不過推文中有一個字拼錯了 03/31 20:03
ilovescorpio:段落===>paragraph 03/31 20:04
cardioid:科科 我高傲,但是我宅心仁厚。 他的嘴巴已經塞滿煙蒂了 03/31 20:52
cardioid:大家請自行把他加入黑名單吧 眼鏡板第一位灰頭土臉的店家 03/31 21:34
HONKAKUYA:歡迎歡迎,謝謝C大抬愛,幫我猛打廣告,真是始料未及啊 03/31 21:39
markamy:現在好像不是立場不同了,感覺像是賭氣的店家在... 科科! 03/31 21:42
markamy:現在這情形是應該叫做眼鏡版永不妥協之雞排對雞排嗎?? 03/31 21:46
HONKAKUYA:我終於知道什麼叫"不明就理"的人了,沒想到在這也會遇到 03/31 21:41
HONKAKUYA:既然有人指名挑釁我,不回應都當是病貓嗎?? 03/31 21:50
HONKAKUYA:不想說的太超過,不代表我不會生氣,更不表示就應該被抹黑 03/31 21:53
HONKAKUYA:請C大不要刪掉你發表的言論,好讓我搜證用, 03/31 21:54
HONKAKUYA:這樣的是不是沒發生過,但也不會是最後一次 03/31 21:57
cardioid:嚇死我了 我好怕喔 科科 你以為只有你懂法律嗎? 03/31 22:00
cardioid:原來之前就有這麼多受害者了喔? 那我一點都不寂寞嘛 03/31 22:03
cardioid:你如果嫌自己不夠丟人現眼的話 就自己公佈店名 孬種 03/31 22:15
zzh:haha~ I know how to spell paragraph, but I didn't notice 03/31 23:58
zzh:that I lost two letters. Thx~~ :P 04/01 00:01
taxivno:I see the commercial..it should be 911 model... haha~~ 04/01 12:41
dreaminc:孬這個字怎麼打呀? 04/01 12:51
Lisher: to 樓上 ㄏㄨㄞˋ 04/01 15:20