看板 points 關於我們 聯絡資訊
www.bestwestern.com/rewards/offers/seasonal.asp?season=summer&ptype=base Offer Details: Register PRIOR to your first stay, and then stay 3 separate times between June 17 - August 18, 2013, and earn a FREE NIGHT voucher.* Registration ends July 28, 2013. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: weichia 來自: (06/18 16:22)
jskm:Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa也在住三送一加送HB... 06/18 16:47
d333352:J大跪求XD 是官網的plan嗎? 06/18 16:48
d333352:Hyatt Free Time,可是沒看到有HB? 06/18 16:52
jskm:s/offer-detail.html?offerId=51963768 06/18 17:34
jskm:6/15-9/30才有送HB 06/18 17:34
codepupu:BW送的那晚似乎只有北美加勒比海地區適用 06/18 20:17