看板 points 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://ppt.cc/YQ0r For three days only, buy award miles and receive a minimum of 30% bonus miles. The more people who buy miles, the higher your 30% bonus can climb – up to 60%. So tell your family and friends to join in and buy miles to increase everyone's bonus -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
d333352:60% BONUS!!!Y 09/04 09:02
d333352:現在710個人買....超過1500個人就60% 09/04 09:04
crimsonn:算60%的話 每哩0.7台幣上下 請問這算便宜還貴 >"< 09/04 09:22
huaihsien:不算便宜, 但優點是可以跟原有的哩程合併使用 09/04 09:24
chengmj:合理價 (推坑) 09/04 09:25