看板 postcrossing 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖多無音樂網誌 http://tinyurl.com/735nbgd BBS版內文省略兩張與明信片無關照片xD 以下正文開始 http://tinyurl.com/8yez93p 外盒 一小盒我愛你,訴不盡款款衷情 今天要開箱的是這盒看起來不是很大盒的明信片。 盒寬約16.2公分,長10公分,高約五公分。 裡面有40張明信片(約長15.2公分,寬10.1公分) http://tinyurl.com/7uhko75 打開盒子印入的第一眼 Love is in the air. http://tinyurl.com/7f6e7ja 盒內其實不深 它只是一個夾層,用薄薄的尺或刀子可以把它挑開,下面可以藏東西 (鑽戒之類的…?我想太多了對不起XD) 明信片紙質蠻挺的, 不會很軟。 http://tinyurl.com/7v4djlf 背面格式 背面的格式很可愛,分為兩款。一款深紅,一款粉紅。 粉紅的寫字欄位是粉紅底白點點 每一張上面都有短短的文字,配上小圖案, 有些英文有雙關,讀起來會讓人會心一笑呢。 很適合拿來寫給情人的一品-///- 以下開始情話大全(男/女孩們快開始作筆記吧XD)http://tinyurl.com/7z3b4v4 上排左起: Love is in the air. My heart pounds for you. You've got me wrapped around your finger. You make me lose focus.(不是我拍模糊喔,它本來就模糊了XD) 下排左起: Just a reminder. In sickness and in health. Missing you. can't be contained. http://tinyurl.com/7o8qpkw 上排左起: If Cupid upgraded to a paint gun. A toast* to love. (toast也有「乾杯」之意) Side by side. A message from my inner child. 下排左起: I love you squared*. (squared是「平方」,同時也是「方塊」) A reflection of my feelings. I see you everywhere. Let me cover you with kisses. (銀色是kiss牌巧克力) http://tinyurl.com/7ltb72y 上排左起: You can count on me. Parked in the red zone. Lost my head,the day I met you. Let me whisper in your ear. 下排左起: Objects in mirror are bigger than they appear. Just in case you get lost. An in-flight message. Plain and simple. http://tinyurl.com/7oljy6w 上排左起: I got you under my skin. (私覺得這張有點獵奇XD) You butter my bread. I always knew we'd click. Love is priceless. 下排左起: You make my heart swell. And I love you full of love. Handle with care. A tarted-up I love you. http://tinyurl.com/7hmux6s 上排左起: I could eat you up. You are the apple of my eye. (語出聖經,"apple of one's eye"是指「珍貴的東西」, 也常被引申為「珍愛的人或物」。所以說You are the apple of my eye, 意思就是指說:你是我的摯愛。) You give me fever. Fade resistant. 下排左起: Will you be mine? I'll love you forever. Connect the dots. I can't disguise my love for you. http://tinyurl.com/75zybkg 封底 沒了XDDD 本來今天野心很大以為可以發完我愛你和日本一年的開箱 結果邊打網誌邊玩LOL邊聽悲慘世界…… 今晚就快過了OTL 還好我有在快下班時偷回了兩張片(被揍) -- "Men are cruel, but Man is kind." --《Stray Birds》,Rabindranath Tagore -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lanci0901:這套好棒!但我沒對象寄所以沒買XDDD 06/07 23:36
hichuan:比想像中好看耶 而且背面好可愛 只是我也沒對象XD 06/07 23:39
loveforlive:好好看=ˇ=~背面真的好可愛!:)只是我也沒買XD 06/07 23:40
shinricra:本來想買耶!但是不知道要寄給誰XD 06/08 00:14
PICIG:可以拿來板上交換XDDD 06/08 00:15
evaporazione:唉唷好甜蜜真可愛>///< 06/08 00:38
tsaiichien:我喜歡這這套!每張都好可愛喔~~~~請問哪裡買的~ 06/08 06:13
phjfq8:哀.... 06/08 06:48
???對了,回你你上次問的問題,就是他叫我拿出來送給喜歡的人的啊XDD 可是我沒空整理那些片啊OTL最近太忙了 ※ 編輯: PICIG 來自: (06/08 10:44)
skategirl:很可愛,但大膽對陌生人示愛很害羞XDD 06/08 11:31
goroholic:>////< 飛牛好可愛XD 這套好SWEET喔~ 06/08 13:19
shihchi1211:哈 這套我本來也想要買欸~ 06/08 13:31