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----- PC官網有新的 LOGO 耶!!! 好酷喔!!! ----- Postcrossing blog News, updates and all kind of goodies Notice something different? Back in 2005, when Postcrossing was about to be launched, a logo wasn't on top of our priorities... To tell the truth, we just wanted to get it done so that we could open the website, invite our friends to join, and get some postcards going! :) So we quickly drafted something on an image editor with our meager design skills, and moved on to more important things: actually sending some postcards and testing the website. Of course, this was a time at which we couldn't imagine the project would ever grow so big... so when people outside of our circle of friends started joining, and the media picked up on it, they caught us unprepared... As time passed, our priorities quickly shifted to solving problems and keeping the website running. But over the years, we felt the need for something a bit more professional, something that would implicitly show the essence of the project... and something that we could brag about too! And so last year, we enlisted the help of our friend and designer Maria Nogueira, with the mission to create a fresh new logo for Postcrossing. She tinkered with many ideas for some months, being ever patient with our hesitation and obsessive adjustments... And now, we're pleased to share with you the result from this collaboration: We love the new logo, and feel that it really says something about the project! We hope you like it too. Let us know what you think in the comments below! Posted by meiadeleite on 4 Oct, 2012 Tags: postcrossing -- Blossom! Commander and the leader, ╭══╮╭══╮╭══╮/ Bubbles! She is the joy and the laughter, ║╭╮║║╭╮║║╭═ Buttercup! She is the toughest fighter, ║╰╯║║╰╯║║║ Powerpuffs save the day! PowerPuffGirl║╭═╯║╭═╯║╰ Fighting crime ~ Trying to save the world ╰╯ower╰╯uff═╯irls by Here they come just in time ~ The Powerpuff Girls ~~~ Powerpuff! Sgenius -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Sgenius 來自: (10/05 10:30) ※ 編輯: Sgenius 來自: (10/05 10:30)
Oliviadchen:今天早上習慣的開網頁之後看到了XDDD 超可愛的!~ 10/05 10:51
smileykid:我以為我很慢才發現XDDD 也是剛剛看到的 很可愛:D 10/05 11:17
ck290996:真的很可愛~好有節慶的感覺XD 10/05 14:57
yenanshen:左邊的欄位也換顏色了,整體看起來好童趣好可愛喔! 10/05 16:18