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想請問有服用過 SSRI 系列藥物的版友, 你們是否覺得吃了之後會影響記憶? 台灣這邊的醫生解釋像Lexapro這類的SSRI藥物是藉由控制血清素的受體以達到藥效, 因此對記憶是沒有影響的, 反而是安眠藥才會影響記憶. 但是網路上很多國外網友都反應吃完Lexapro之後, 雖然焦慮的症狀可以很快的舒緩, 卻也有嚴重的副作用, 像是: 腦袋一片空白, 想說話但是卻找不到合適的字眼, 短期記憶喪失, 腦袋/思考混亂, 甚至有些人因為記不住工作的細節而被開除.. http://ppt.cc/d~Ln 裡面描述的症狀, 對於學生來說, 實在相當不利 我甚至還找到網友推薦的文章, 2006發表在Primary Psychiatry http://www.primarypsychiatry.com/aspx/articledetail.aspx?articleid=549 裡面寫到很多病患反應SSRI的確會影響記憶與認知功能, 例如, 工作需要記東西會記不住, 學生會記不住考試內容等... A good example, and especially important because of their extensive use, are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Many patients describe being absent-minded when taking these drugs. The memory impairment is not dramatic, but it can be annoying. In the case of individuals who are accustomed to managing information mentally, without use of notes, this can be disturbing. In the case of students, it may even affect ability to study and retain material for exams. Another widely used antidepressant, bupropion, has also been noted to produce memory difficulties, with word-finding problems being especially pronounced in some patients. 這豈不是跟那個醫生說的相反嗎orz 有點傻眼, 不知道該相信誰 另外一個可能的問題(但是也是雞生蛋, 蛋生雞的問題), 就是 到底是 憂鬱/焦慮造成記憶力變差, 還是藥物治療導致記憶力變差. 但是總不能吃了藥後實驗看看吧 希望版友可以分享點經驗, 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: Metonymia:轉錄至看板 Psychiatry 04/09 00:18
EKARD: :) 04/09 00:37