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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1NQH3MYh ] 作者: urbanlight (1.2.3木頭人) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] Openwater 牧師與未成年女教友發生關係 時間: Tue Jun 21 18:02:59 2016 1.媒體來源: fox13news 2.完整新聞標題: Youth pastor arrested on sexual battery charges 3.完整新聞內文: Openwater教會牧師塞繆爾·薩特從2015年10月開始, 跟不少教會成員發生性關係 受害者告訴母親後,母親發現為數不少牧師跟受害者未成年少女 交換視訊、圖片,其母隨即聯絡警長辦公室。 發生地點主要在塞繆爾·薩特房子,有兩次是在教會女廁裡面。 ODESSA (FOX 13) - Hillsborough County deputies have arrested a youth pastor they say had sex with a member of his youth group. 6 Deputies say 26-year-old Samuel Sutter of Tampa, who is the youth minister at Openwater Church in Odessa, began a sexual relationship with the female victim in October of 2015. The relationship began as he was the youth pastor at the church the victim attends and escalated to numerous sexual encounters. Investigators say the victim told her mother what was happening after the mother discovered sexual pictures, videos and texts exchanged between her daughter and Sutter. The mother then contacted the sheriff's office. Deputies say the sexual encounters occurred primarily at the Sutter's house, but also occurred twice in the ladies' restroom at Openwater Church. Sutter is facing 5 counts of Lewd and Lascivious behavior with a victim age 12 to 16, and 5 counts of Sexual Battery. 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://www.fox13news.com/news/local-news/162550943-story 5.備註: 這種新聞超多的 都是牧師專吃教會小女生的 最恐怖的是吃到自己都不知道吃幾次 吃多少人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1466503382.A.8AB.html
gino0717: Overwatch 06/21 18:03
karoshi: 開水? 06/21 18:04
saishing: 性交的勇深 06/21 18:04
tonyhom: 樓下大魔導轉職牧師 06/21 18:04
kkkland: ow不意外 06/21 18:04
seaman520: 開門,查水錶 06/21 18:04
Jeby171: 若是天主教神父 教會更會掩蓋 連教廷都在掩蓋 最近才爆開 06/21 18:05
Hirano: 一定是假的 不是都吃小男生嗎 06/21 18:05
zzro: 信我者 得抽插 06/21 18:05
MajorC: 你要不要信教 06/21 18:08
ltmps: 化解拉 06/21 18:13
steven211: 除魔大法師 06/21 18:21
majorleague1: 想尬開水 06/21 18:21
kiraayu: 還好啦 妙禪吸金比較可怕 06/21 18:34
lkbc: 這回不吃男童,改吃女童,起碼正常一點了 06/21 18:41
makoto0952: 你要不夭信教 06/21 18:41
FertilizerN: OverWatch 06/21 18:44
andy8292: OW果然是毒品,每天都有受傷者 06/21 18:47
antiaris: 看成over watch 的舉手 06/21 19:02
panhoho: 男女而不是同性,所以沒關係 06/21 19:06
superob: 不是肛肛好,尚可接受 06/21 19:29
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Uguar (, 06/21/2016 23:56:50
Uguar: 每個宗教或多或少都有老鼠屎 06/21 23:59
urbanlight: 怎麼不敢轉到基督版 06/22 00:04
Uguar: 之前也有乩童愛小鮮肉的新聞...我覺得po在這就夠了 06/22 00:12
Uguar: 若要將各教老鼠屎新聞轉PO各宗教版,我沒意見 06/22 00:16
ya98747: https://goo.gl/images/6ggTMx 06/22 15:32
ya98747: https://youtu.be/PrcUJW1-568 06/22 15:35
Uguar: 阿貴~呵呵~ 06/22 21:00