看板 stationery 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我剛剛去 noodlersink.com/contact 這裡查詢Noodler's是不是真的 不做墨水了,不到半個小時就收到這位 Dick Egolf 的回信。 總之,Noodler's 還在生產墨水,沒有半點要收掉的跡象。 雖然在台灣好像是買不到了... 我發的信: Hello Dick, I just heard from a fountain pen store owner here in Taipei that Noodler's is no longer making inks. On the other hand, I have not seen any such report anywhere online. Now people are rather confused here. I figure I should directly contact you to get the first hand information. Please let us know if Noodler's is alive and kicking. We all very much hope so... Thank you! PT 回信原文照登: Hi PT, They are mistaken. Nothing could be further from the truth. Noodler’s business is bigger than ever. If you look at some US websites, you will find Noodler’s is alive and well and has become, by far the #1 brand on this side of the world. Best regards, Dick -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
scottlsw:讚ㄟ!!這資訊好棒!! 10/05 22:36
scottlsw:再來就是想辦法弄到台灣了 可是我24號就要去成功嶺了... 10/05 22:38
lunalina:好極了 10/05 22:42
korny:鬆了一口氣!感謝原po熱心詢問啊 10/05 22:50
ninicat0821:太好了 還有機會買的到XD 10/05 22:56
scottlsw:不知道有沒有辦法代買 要是好事多有進就好了XD 10/05 23:02
jeffic0730:太感動了 QQ 只是為啥台灣沒有代理 QQ 10/05 23:24
wohtp:有人開合購我就跟 XD 10/05 23:25
majolicass:好市多要賣的話可能是大尺寸500ml吧XD 10/05 23:48
drymartini:500ml不也才半公升?沒有加侖裝的嗎?(誤) 10/06 00:03
roring3701:小本的,才方便攜帶!! 10/06 00:24
roring3701:推錯了ORZ 10/06 00:24
ninicat0821:一加侖的墨水 邊喝邊寫(誤) 10/06 10:20
XDXDXDD:推!! 10/06 17:40