看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在我兩次phone interview 經驗裡 所有的問題 爬文搜尋"phone" 幾乎都可以找到 很感謝此版提供如此豐富的資訊 在此提供我看之前的文章整理出來的一些問題 標色的是我有被問到的問題 英文是我隨便亂寫的 請見諒 1. Please introduce yourself and educational background. 2. Which course intrigues you? Which part? 3. Please describe your research experiences in detail. 4. Why do you change your research field from X to Y? 5. Which courses have you focused on? 6. What is about your extracurricular and leadership experience? 7. Why do you choose USA to study? 8. Why do you choose our school/program? 9. What properties make you distinguished from other candidates? 10. Have you thought about your research topics? 11. Which other programs have you applied? 12. What job will you do after graduation? 13. What is your financial support? 14. Will you study here without scholarship? 15. How do you learn English? 提問: 1. How many years have your PhD students completed their studies in average? 2. Do I have the chance to be a teaching assistant there? 3. Do I need to take some English courses at ___ University? 4. Should I learn ___ skills? 不知道對大家有沒有幫助 希望大家都能如願進好學校 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: onehundred 來自: (01/22 16:48)
cpt:小建議 提問的時候可以針對他們實驗室的研究內容問深入點 01/22 16:53
cpt:比方說funding的概況 其他學生做的研究 是否有送人intern的傳 01/22 16:53
cpt:統 等等 畢竟是PHD 不但是對方選你 你也要選實驗室啊 :) 01/22 16:54
collegeman:我也是電話面試了兩間學校,前後加起來6位老師,說真的~ 01/22 16:59
collegeman:蠻多問題都會重複的~ 所以其實是可以事先準備! 01/22 17:00
aegg:謝謝分享 01/22 21:33
oyl158:Help a lot, thank you 01/22 22:26
personhuang:謝謝分享 01/22 23:05
eeaha:謝謝整理與分享:) 01/22 23:37
momo1210:轉錄至某隱形看板 02/09 23:37
momo1210:借轉 謝謝!! 02/09 23:37
iam88:希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz 03/23 19:23
ghost100:希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/gozX 04/08 06:48