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學校寄信來說我的財力證明金額不夠, 總額要USD 51,663/yr,我用教育部公費的證明 不足4663,還要補證明... 於是google了一下新聞 看來學費還有可能會再漲。 (今年宿舍的費用已經漲了一些) http://ppt.cc/LkEW UC may have to raise tuition to fill budget gap By DEVIN KELLY Published March 28, 2011, 1:25 am Gov. Jerry Brown officially signed off on Thursday on a $500 million cut to the University of California, and even deeper reductions may be on the way. Brown has not reached a compromise with Republicans to put a measure extending an estimated $14 billion in taxes on the ballot in a special June election. He said in a press conference that he is still pushing for a vote, but time is running out. Failure of the package to pass, or even get on the ballot, means the cuts to the UC could double to as much as $1 billion. Raising tuition another 7 percent, cutting enrollment and laying off faculty and staff are among the next steps at that point, budget and capital resources vice president Patrick Lenz told the UC Board of Regents on March 16. Lenz said the consensus from the regents is to protect enrollment. But that comes with a price tag, he added. Regent Richard Blum voiced his opinion that the only way out of the crisis is to charge high tuition while offering a high level of financial aid. That would mean turning the UC down a path taken by private, nonprofit universities years ago, said Kenneth Green, former associate director of UCLA's Higher Education Research Institute. Green recently conducted one of the largest surveys of American college and university presidents to date with the online newspaper Inside Higher Ed, called “Presidential Perspectives.” The survey found that presidents of public institutions generally felt disillusioned with methods used to solve budget problems, he said. “(They said), this is all stuff tried before,” he said. To mediate the short-term impact of cuts on campuses, the UC Office of the President announced plans to shrink down its operations by $50 million and shift the savings to individual UCs. The move marks the next step in an effort to delegate more power to the campus level. UCOP will ask for a fixed amount from each campus every year, and the campus will be able to determine the source of the funds. UCLA is at an advantage over other campuses because of its broad range of funding sources, including the medical center, said Nathan Brostrom, UC vice president of business operations. Chancellor Gene Block said he supports UCOP’s plan for downsizing, which he said will increase efficiency. http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_17626654?nclick_check=1 UC warning: Annual tuition hikes could be unavoidable By Matt Krupnick Contra Costa Times Updated: 03/17/2011 12:41:12 PM PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- Students are likely to bear the brunt of the University of California's budget crisis for years to come. UC likely will face a $1.5 billion budget gap in the next few years even under the rosiest scenarios, UC regents were told Wednesday. As a result, administrators said, the university probably will need to lean on students for annual tuition increases. Among four scenarios discussed Wednesday, only one would come close to bridging the deficit: annual tuition and state funding increases of 8 percent. But a rebound in flagging state money is unlikely, so the university most likely would rely on a combination of cuts and tuition hikes. If the state contributes no additional money in the next four years and UC does not make additional cuts, for example, tuition would need to rise more than 18 percent per year to make up the difference, the university said. Regents in November approved an 8 percent increase that takes annual undergraduate tuition to $11,124 for the fall term. The increase followed a 32 percent tuition hike in 2009-10. Regents and others said California has breached promises made in its landmark Master Plan for Higher Education, which was adopted in 1960. "We have a very big problem," Regent Sherry Lansing said at the board's meeting at UC San Francisco. "All bets are off. Can we even say the Master Plan exists? I don't know." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bbbea:天啊! 04/02 11:05
minilemon:我還有一年阿!!!!= = 不過最後一個學期希望能PT... 04/02 12:31