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不好意思,請問一下,是否有在台灣有精神科病史之後前往美國留學的版友呢?我今年秋 天要去讀書,我在幾年前有一段時間depression,有看醫生、拿藥,但現在已經沒有問題 ,也沒拿藥很久了。這一次在體檢時(用來申請簽證),在自填的項目那邊有一題問說是 否有depression, anxiety,我就答有,但是去醫院做檢查跟打疫苗時,醫生說我最好不 要這樣寫,是多此一舉。他解釋說假如我這樣寫,去了美國會被抓去評估,會很麻煩。 因此現在陷入兩難,不想說謊(總覺得被抓到會很慘),又希望不要影響入學機會。我不知 道海關跟核發簽證的單位是否會查得到我的病歷,也不知道假如誠實填報,去了會有什麼 影響,或會不會影響到簽證核發?或真如醫師所說,不要寫太多比較好。我的精神科醫師 願意幫我開證明,表示我現在狀況OK可以勝任學業,但我不曉得這樣做有沒有幫助。 我試著查了資料跟問可能知道的人,但這狀況若是沒有經歷過,可能不太清楚,現在心裡 壓力好大,因此佔用版面請教大家,能否給點意見或分享,真的非常謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
konayuki:推ID XD 04/21 16:09
ladykin:don't worry; it's quite common in the US 04/21 18:17
ladykin:I took medical leave twice and quit the U; when I 04/21 18:18
ladykin:re-apply my f-1, I have no problem (ps. I show ALL of 04/21 18:19
ladykin:my medical documentation and got recorded by AIT 04/21 18:20
ladykin:also due to DEPRESSION) 04/21 18:21
ladykin:you NEED NOT to show it because there's NOTHING to do 04/21 18:22
ladykin:with your visa app./ I need to show it because I TOOK 04/21 18:22
ladykin:MEDICAL LEAVE TWICE (in US) so AIT needs to know the 04/21 18:23
ladykin:reasons before issuing F-1 AGAIN to me 04/21 18:24
ladykin:Also, my case was more complicated (involving in a 04/21 18:25
ladykin:legal case so my SEVIS record is very 精采 orz... 04/21 18:26
ladykin:If a hard case like me can get F-1, you can get it!!! 04/21 18:27
ladykin:don't think too much (btw, even if you go to see a 04/21 18:28
ladykin:doctor in the US later, nobody can get your record 04/21 18:28
ladykin:UNLESS you sign a release/permit to show sb.. 04/21 18:30
ladykin:eg. my current advisor knows my situation but he's 04/21 18:32
ladykin:so reluctant to talk with my MD even if I sign a 04/21 18:32
ladykin:release/ American really cares privacy! Don't worry! 04/21 18:33
Lazareanu:不會,申請美簽&i20時都很順利通過了~ 04/21 19:34
Lazareanu:別讓自己看起來太擔心或緊張~反而不容易申請成功:) 04/21 19:34