看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我想要申請的課程寫說它需要經濟學士學位,但是我不是經濟相關學系學生QQ Admission requirements are common for all students. The basic requirement for admission is to have obtained (or to be in the situation of obtaining before the start of the Master Programme) a recognized Bachelor's Degree (BS, BSc, SB, etc.) or a degree at the level of a Bachelor's Degree, e.g. its equivalent from a college, university, or technical school of high standing, or 180 ECTS credits in the European system, in Economics. 但是在ADMISSION後面又寫了這段: In particular cases, the Selection Committee can admit students with a Bachelor Degree in other disciplines which include a comprehensive and advanced training in economics, mathematics and quantitative methods. 請問各位板友,這代表我也有機會申請嗎?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
george31708:有。有相關的經驗應該都可。但你所謂的非經濟相關事什 09/12 13:57
george31708:麼意思? 09/12 13:57
sunnylene:就是語文類的科系 09/12 15:11
sunnylene:相關經驗的意思...是說修過管理學院的課程也可嗎??:) 09/12 15:12
george31708:要看修過多深了,如果只上過通識就是沒戲唱了 09/12 15:20
sunnylene:了解~ 謝謝!! 09/15 22:29