看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
由於在2014年11月曾委託Final Draft的Chris修改Resume & Essay 剛剛收到Chris寄來的email, 大意是說Final Draft已經停止營業, Chris現在自己開張了一個新的網站 Better Edits 現在提供前20名顧客20% off的優惠,折扣碼HAPPYNEWYEAR 以下轉貼信件原文:(已移除星號處網站連結) Dear Friends and Former Clients, I hope that all of you are doing well. I am writing to let you know that after more than four years in business Sharon has decided to close down Final Draft Editing to pursue other opportunities. To continue working on my own, I have opened up a new website, **Better-Edits**. We are currently offering a promotion of 20% off to the first twenty customers who input HAPPYNEWYEAR in the discount box at checkout. Please forward this email to any friends or colleagues who are seeking editing help as they apply to graduate school. Additionally, if someone would be willing to post a message on PTT for me, I would truly be grateful. I wish you all the best and Happy New Years! Yours truly, Chris Van Buren 雖然我的申請結果還沒公佈,但與Chris合作的過程很愉快 第一輪校稿他先訂正文法錯誤以及詢問一些他對於我寫的內容意思不確定的部分 第二輪是初步完稿,如果有任何問題的話,他會加以解釋或再微調 比較特別的是,完稿後我還問他對於我寫的Essay整體評價如何, 因為我是第一次寫這麼完整的長文給外籍老師看, 令我驚訝的是他很認真地回覆我一段他的想法和建議, 所以推薦給大家,希望幫助到有需要的版友~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1420219759.A.08E.html
cutesheng: 推chris , 他用字很精準簡潔 01/03 04:07
MIKEmike07: Push 01/03 04:23
mileli: 推Chris 01/03 06:09
FrankCPP: Chris 很優哦,認真負責,文筆精練 01/03 23:57
doug919: 很適合理工人 01/04 02:01
leo80042: Final Draft收了喔? QQ 真是太可惜了... 01/04 10:57
shiningsun: Chris超有效率,對於內容有問題也很願意回答跟調整 01/04 22:17
shiningsun: 很推Chris的服務,也可mail給他[email protected] 01/04 22:24