看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在辦理EB1-a/b,NIW 或是O1-A visa的時候,會需要一些證據來輔助申請者的學術成就。 除了申請者所投期刊的排名,另外一個可以著眼的點是該申請者的citation與美國頂尖 大學教授比較表。最近中國人發現了一個National Academy of Science在2011年發行 的資料,該資料(1993~2006) 顯示了美國大學各領域的average citation per paper(ACPP*)排名。 以EE為例 ACPP CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY 2.61 STANFORD UNIVERSITY 2.57 YALE UNIVERSITY 2.27 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA COLUMBIA 2.21 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 2.06 以下略 資料下載位置 https://www.nap.edu/download/12994 資料部分內容 http://imgur.com/a/MGIvs Mitbbs 分享原文 http://tinyurl.com/jt3bs9c *ACPP : The annual average of the number of allocated citations in the years 2000- 2006 to papers published during the period 1981-2006 by program faculty divided by the allocated publications that could contribute to the citations. For example, the number of allocated citations for a faculty member in 2003 is found by taking the 2003 citations to that faculty member’s publications between 1981 and 2003. These counts are summed over the total faculty in the program and divided by the sum of the allocated publications to the program in 2003. Citations were not calculated for the humanities.
ntb: 是Average Citations per Publication還是Average Citation 03/15 07:54
ntb: per faculty?您的例子是前者 03/15 07:55
tcate: sorry, 打錯了 03/15 11:46
ron0908: 請勿自創標題分類 03/15 21:46
ron0908: 已協助修改標題 03/15 21:47
tcate: 噢 謝謝! 03/16 00:41
※ 編輯: tcate (, 03/27/2018 10:07:02