看板 studyteacher 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Summarize the article and design a cloze test with 8 multiple choice questi ons (250-300 words) 文章是有關於long-range autonomous underwater vehicles. 格式如下(正確答案要畫底線) 1. (A)..... (B)..... (C)..... (D)..... 2. (A)..... (B)..... (C)..... (D)..... (35%) 2. Reading comprehension questions. Please design four multiple choice reading comprehension questions for 12 graders, and answers to each question must be provided. 文章是有關一個盲人常常受到歧視,旁人常常會再覆述一次問題或是問他身邊 的人。是一篇自述文章,講自己身為盲人受到的歧視。 (2-1) Based on the question, design two questions that correspond to the 12-ye ar English Curriculum Guidelines. (2-2) Please illustrate how your questions correspond to the principles in the curriculum guidelines. (Within 100 words) (25%) 3. 3-1 You’re teaching in the 11-grade students in our school, but there are parents questioning your teaching competences at teaching students to get high er scores on exams. How are you going to deal with parents’ questions. Please explain. 3-2 You’re the homeroom teacher in sc hool, and your students are showing no interests in learning, and some of them have no idea about what to major or what to do in the future. As a homeroom te acher, how are you going to help the students? Please write down your answers in a well-organized article. (300-400 words) (25%) 4. Translation. A. 關於旅行,有人喜歡行程滿滿,有人偏好 閒散慢步,不論搭乘高鐵、火車、客運等 交通工具,移動的路線由他人決定,而單 車將主導權取回,移動的路線、速度、時 間全由自己作主。一百位單車旅人,一百 種上路理由,不論疾騁慢騎、路途崎嶇平 坦,眼前的一切,全屬他們的人生風景。 B. 大概是在講現在的工作在未來將會消失, 且現在仍在學的學生畢業的工作也都還沒 出現,建議大家要調整自己心態之類的短 文。 p.s. 打到這邊已腦力耗盡,再請高手老師補充:) -- ※ 編輯: ishejohn (, 04/25/2018 22:37:19
calvinabcde: 能背出翻譯真的太神了,感謝分享! 04/25 22:37
echo815: 感謝分享! 04/25 22:57
jeremiahncue: 配分好重 04/25 22:59
harrishu: 好硬的題目 囧 04/25 23:01
joycelee1031: 補充說明 盲人那篇是龍騰B4 L11的文章 04/25 23:14
athina51320: 好厲害!感謝分享! 04/25 23:42
rouci0582: 怎麼背出來的軟! 04/26 09:19
owlonoak: 中山女高的英文每次好像都有翻譯 還都是超難的翻譯 04/28 00:45