看板 teaching 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.Chocolate contains somethings something that will stimulate our brains to produce chemicals ,much like _____ produced when we exercise. (A)that (B)this (C)those (D)these 答案是(c) 但怎麼想就是想不透 2.One of the reasons is _______ eating chocolate can make us feel happy. (A)that (B)because 答案是(A) 但是選(B)的話文法有錯嗎,若有錯是錯在哪裡呢? 煩請大大們解答了 感恩 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
qzxwec789:第一題的somethings是我不小心多打出來了... 07/26 00:07
Winds:2. because是連接詞 選B的話有點中翻英 是因為ooxx... 07/26 00:08
Winds:應該要接that引導子句 07/26 00:09
nbcb:第一題的those是指chemicals. 哪裡不懂? 07/26 02:01
takila:第1題:that(單)/those(複)指稱前之重複字眼 07/26 03:59
takila:第2題:because為從屬連接詞 接的子句為副詞子句 語意上修飾 07/26 04:03
takila:前之子句 為附屬條件; 但此句One of the reason= that+子句 07/26 04:04
takila:應為名詞子句的用法 07/26 04:04
aaming1978:第二題, 口語中的確常見用because, 空英雜誌也有寫過 07/26 13:56
aaming1978:但在書面語或正式文書中建議使用that 07/26 13:57
aaming1978:另外英文中有個句型Just because...doesn't mean... 07/26 13:58
aaming1978:中的just because就語法而言是當主詞, 所以because子句 07/26 13:59
aaming1978:當名詞子句使用常見於此兩種狀況, 亦即The reason is.. 07/26 14:00
aaming1978:because S + V...和just because...doesn't mean... 07/26 14:00
aaming1978:Having said so, i would suggest you use "that" in 07/26 14:01
aaming1978:the second sentence. Hope this helps. :) 07/26 14:02