看板 w-inds 關於我們 聯絡資訊
雷 T2P Let's get it on Fly High Put your hand up Make it rock Some more MC Addicted to love YOU & I 黄昏one way Ryohei dance Keita dance Ryuichi dance New World Re:vision Superstar I vs I MC2 Zirconia Listen to the rain More than Words SAY YES <ENCORE> Touch the sky Noise To my fans -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: amns 來自: (07/15 00:13)
keiko1006:期待live DVD >"< 07/15 00:37
ogatawaiting:第一段感覺他們會累爆XDD 07/15 02:06
ryukeiryo:超HIGH!!我想一定會累翻 XD 07/15 02:25
windskk:大叔自己說上氣不接下氣了XD 07/15 08:54
alien200020:超期待!!!有More than words啊~DVD還要好久Orz 07/15 15:17
sos11232:連歌迷都跟著累爆了XDDD 07/22 19:13