精華區beta ALL-RUSSIANS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛在wtaworld上讀到的新聞... Z娃在第三盤落後給Benesova時開始一直尖叫或是罵髒話 後來她教練看不下去  就離席了... 最後Z娃第三盤5-7輸掉比賽 賽後她教練好像很生氣的樣子.. Z娃啊!!你要好好控制你脾氣阿 我之前一直滿看好你的 但每次只要打得不如意 你不是慘叫就是用球拍打自己 更誇張是當場哭起來... 然後最後打得越來越糟 我覺得適度發洩情緒是ok..但是你好像有點過度了꜊你今年成績真的有點差勁 希望你趕快回神阿...>0<” 順便貼上該網友寫的文章﹕ Vera was in full flight. I only saw from 4-1 in the third. When I got to the courts, everyone was buzzing about Vera’s behavior. Supposedly she said “Fuck Off” to a linesman, but she was probably talking to her coach (because as bad as Vera can be on court, I don’t see her saying that to a linesperson). I also heard her curse myself, for which she got a warning. Lots of folks in the crowd were cheering for Iveta, simply because of Vera’s behavior. Any was she is cruising at 4-1 up…she makes a mistake and goes nuts…she starts screaming at her coach “why do I do that” I mean she was gesturing to him after every point. After she got broken serving for it, he got up and went to the other side and stood in a crowd of people. Vera found him anyway and kept up the screaming and gesturing. So he moved. After one bad point, she looked up at him but he had moved himself out of her view and she walked over to the edge of the court breaking her neck to look for him, it was HILARIOUS. Anyway, she kept up the rants all the way to the end. By this time, her coach had left the court…he left before the match was over. At the end of the match, Vera stormed her way the Club House and got her stuff and went straight to the parking lot…where her coach was smoking a ciggy. I could not hear well what was being said from where I stood…but Vera starting say something to him and he basically told her that he didn’t want to hear it and other stuff about her attitude and she just shut up and didn’t say another word. He was so angry by his gesturing and firm words, but he never yelled. He told her that it was up to her to decide to change or this was how things were always going to end…he said a lot of other things, but I was straining to hear …sorry. Then he left her in the parking lot, because he had to go get the car keys…He came back, they all got in the car without saying anything. There was another guy with them, he might have been the trainer…but by looking at both of them, you could tell that they were very frustrated. I really don’t know what Vera’s problem is…it’s not her game. Her game looks great. The only issue I had was that she was not as aggressive once the score got tight and she gave Iveta confidence with her craziness. I saw her practicing on the weekend and she was happy and relaxed. Her and the coach seem to have a great relationship. I only hope that as all the bad losses pile up that she will realize that its all her and the she is only damaging her self confidence with each loss. If I was the coach, after the first outburst, I would get up and leave. Let her know that he will not tolerate such behavior. I can’t wait to see what the next chapter in the Vera saga holds. Her poor coach must be emotionally drained. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: