精華區beta AfterPhD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
抱歉,但我覺得這實在超誇張 如果原po是大學剛畢業,要申請學校之類的,向前輩要推薦信範本還可以理解 但現在原po是要申請教職,表示無論是學術,研究,以及教學上,都至少能獨當一面 如果連推薦信這種基本中的基本都沒辦法獨立完成 那麼面對其他更大的挑戰,是否有能力解決並交出漂亮的成績單? 下面貼了我擬的三份推薦信草稿,正式的推薦信因為經過老師修改,且應先取得老師同意 所以不便公開。我要說的是,這三封信,也是我花了不少時間思考,撰寫,參考書籍,並 上網google參考範文並改寫而來。我和大家一樣,都是從零開始,自己努力寫出來的(寫 得好不好是另一回事XD)。我們可以,為什麼原po不行? 資源都在那裡了(圖書館,google,ptt),要會善加利用。問前輩,其實是下下策 (例如就會被像我這樣的惡人罵XD)。 既然拿到了博士學位就要有「事情來了,就要勇敢面對,並想辦法解決」的能力。 (啊這其實和是否是博士無關,是做人的基本態度,但既然接受了博士訓練,就更應該有 這樣的認知,因為博士訓練就是在訓練如何解決問題,甚至出難題給自己挑戰並解決) 以前有位老師說過, 當你是大學生/碩士班時,是人家教你<-老師/助教等教你基礎知識 當你是博士班學生時,是你教別人<-有一定基礎後,可以教後進大學程度的知識 而當你博士畢業後,是自己教自己<-東西深到已經沒有人可以教你,要自行努力 ----指導教授 To whom it may concerns, As Dr. xxx's Ph.D. advisor, it is my greatest pleasure to recommend him/her to your esteemed institute. xxx is a Ph.D. student at the department of xxx, xxx during September xxxx to July xxxx. His/her research targets on the study of xxxx. He/She was awarded with the doctoral degree in the year of xxxx. Our group focuses on xxxx, with recent attention on xxxx. In our group, xxxx played a central role in the development of xxxx. During his/her doctoral program, xxxx has demonstrated his/her endeavor by publishing xx SCI journal papers, xxx international conference papers, and xx Taiwan conference paper. All of them are of high quality and are contributive to the xxxx community. Additionally, xxxx has good English speaking and writing abilities which furnish him/her well in the pursuit of science. Having the personality such as curiosity to science, self-motivated learning, and good communication ability, xxx became a valuable member of my group and a role model for his/her peer lab mates. In conclusion, xxxx is a hard-working researcher with enthusiasm to xxxx. He/She has my highest recommendation, and I would be more than willing to furnish more details if necessary. Sincerely, --------工作老闆 To Whom It May Concern, I am writing this reference at the request of Dr. xxxx, who is applying for the xxxx position at your esteemed institute. Dr. xxxx has been working in my lab, xxxx at xxxx, starting from xxxx. Dr. xxxx worked hard and contributed in many ways to research in the area of xxxx and the study xxxx. We use xxxx as research tools in xxxx, and xxxx particularly draws our interests. Dr. xxx demonstrated exceptional learning ability toward new research area. In addition, he/she has several strengths such as self-motivated study to xxxx, enthusiasm toward xxxx as well as xxxx. In conclusion, I would highly recommend Dr. xxx as part of your research team. I believe his/her capability in handling novel research topics as well as excellent written and verbal skills will be agreat asset to your group. Should you have any question or information, please feel free to contact me at 12345678 or via email xxx@xxx. Sincerely yours, ----修課老師 To whom it may concern, I am happy to write in support of my student, Dr. xxxx, for the application to the position at xxxx. As the instructor of her classes, I found Dr. xxx to be diligent and intelligent in many ways, which greatly outweighed other students in class. I have known Dr. xxx in my capacity as a professor at the department of xxxx, xxxx. During his/her doctoral study, Dr. xxxx took and audited many courses I offered, including xxxx. Based on Dr. xxx's performances, attendance and class participation, I would rate his/her academic performance in my class as superior. In addition, Dr. xxx demonstrated exceptional interests toward xxx and xxxx, which are essential to fundamental studies in xxxx. Hence, I recommend Dr. xxxx to the xxx position with absolute confidence. If there is any question regarding to her reference, please feel free to contact me at any time. Yours faithfully, xxxx ※ 引述《u7480596 (心安茅屋穩、性定菜根香)》之銘言: : 各位前輩您好: : 我是今年九月才剛拿到學位的後輩, : 想請教前輩們教授推薦函要怎麼寫? : (笨笨的拜託,有前輩願意給範本嗎?) : 因很多學校都有要求要指導教授的推薦函, : 但大部分都是自己要先擬好稿給老師, : 請教有經驗的前輩們,感恩! -- ☆ ‧ ‧ ★ 。 Hip your wagon to the star ‧ ⊙ ‧ ‧ ★ 跟著星星去圓夢 。 ☆ ‧ ‧ * █◣ ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
stcp:我好像錯了...台灣流行自己寫自己的推薦信嗎?(認真問) 10/29 20:37
stcp:這回文乍看我以為是反串...沒想到真的是推薦信自己擬的... 10/29 20:39
uka123ily:應說不是常態,也是有老師堅持自己寫才能真的負責 10/29 20:51
FlameWind:每個老師作風不同,有時候有些老師認為對你的瞭解不夠 10/29 21:08
FlameWind:會希望你給他一份擬稿,讓他來修改 10/29 21:09
ericzun:不算常態,有的時候推薦者只是需要看你如何推薦你自己 10/29 21:09
FlameWind:像我之前請一位美國的老師寫推薦信,跟他在私領域 10/29 21:09
ericzun:畢竟就算是你的指導教授,也有可能標錯重點.. 10/29 21:09
FlameWind:是有點熟悉度,但是他自認對我的研究不敢說非常瞭解 10/29 21:09
FlameWind:所以針對研究部份讓我整理了擬稿給他參考 10/29 21:10
uka123ily:不熟還可以寫,真的能對信中描述內容負責嘛? 10/29 21:32
bmka:先跟j大說聲抱歉,不過上面這幾封推薦信的內容真的很糟 10/29 21:49
bmka:除非您是大家都認識的大牌教授(具名本身就是強力推薦) 10/29 21:50
bmka:否則這種內容的推薦信是沒什麼用的 10/29 21:51
deutschland:推薦信內容居然寫 in conclusion XDDD 10/29 22:32
buski:台灣真的有不少老師會要學生自己擬推薦信,真的是很奇怪。 10/29 22:36
buski:我運氣不錯,台灣跟美國的老闆都是親筆幫我寫。 10/29 22:37
hint:沒有吧 我申請國外博班時 兩個老闆都叫我擬草稿, 但是申請教 10/29 22:40
hint:職時 他們倆都親自幫我寫, 我完全不知道內容... 10/29 22:41
hint:申請教職那麼重要的事情 她們都不願意自己幫你寫 我看不寫也 10/29 22:42
hint:罷了 不是多挺你的人... 10/29 22:42
herstein:自己擬真的有點奇怪。我還沒遇過要我自己擬的。 10/30 21:56