精華區beta AmamiYuki 關於我們 聯絡資訊
天海祐希是我很喜歡的演員, 看到天海板開張了馬上就加入我的最愛版, 離婚女律師(離婚辯護士)I、II我都很喜歡, 也是從女律師I, 開始追回去看她的其他作品(女律師II、Around40、Boss、頂尖播音員等), 愈看她的作品,就愈喜歡她率真可愛又不做作的個性, 但是她幫Leilian拍的高級訂製服一系列CF又好知性好有質感啊! 真是個有許多面貌的迷人天海! 說到離婚女律師II,雖然我覺得沒有第一部好看, 但是裡面有一首插曲非常感人,美國德州女歌手Keri Noble唱的,我網路都找不到全曲, * 歌名叫做: 夢がかなうまで / How Far You've Come http://www.emimusic.jp/artist/kerinoble/ (點選右邊收入曲可試聽) 裡面有段歌詞聽了特別喜歡:「Don't let yourself forget, You are strong, look how far you've come...」 獻給認真的天海迷們! *歌詞全文: It was just one of those days, Nothing's going right and it might all fall apart She feels like she's just too tired To fight anymore Just how much can one girl take and before she breaks It was not too long ago Every dream was coming true But that was all before She can't figure out what to do But she knows no matter just how much this takes She won't break Close your eyes, take a breath Don't let yourself forget You are strong Look how far you've come Pick yourself off the floor You know you still got more You are strong Look at how far you've come This is just another test She'd been through much harder ones before And she'd passed She knew she could get through one more And now she knows No matter just how much this takes She won't break Well, you are strong Look how far you've come -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nocks:謝謝你分享的歌,讓我想到BOSS的插曲,也是一首好聽的英文歌 02/21 16:53
nocks:歌詞意境有點像 我也是比較喜歡離婚1的整體感XD 02/21 16:53
jessbianrad:這首真的很好聽~~ y9g5hkh 02/21 19:40
umpirechen:這首歌常常在我忙了一天下班後,或是夜深人靜時,拿來 02/21 21:03
umpirechen:鼓勵自己,可以理一下自己的心情。呵呵,高興n大也喜歡 02/21 21:04
shotar:我看完離一之後也很喜歡這首歌 下面是分享給想收藏的人 02/22 20:26
shotar:趴在地上0rz 看到7EstU走進去就會找到喲~ 02/22 20:27
umpirechen:呵呵,s大說的我操作失敗耶~(抱歉貌) 02/22 22:41
jessbianrad:欸~ 我不是藏在推文後面嗎? 我以為你會發現 = = 台泥 02/22 23:01
nocks:謝謝台泥分享!!XD 02/23 10:03
nocks:真的很好聽,我現在無限repeat,you are strong 這句真好 02/24 11:16
nocks:加油打氣歌~ 想起貴子認真的畫面! 02/24 11:17