精華區beta Android 關於我們 聯絡資訊
情報來源: http://tinyurl.com/ybo22m4 這篇有點長,原PO就翻重點吧! 主要是講說在GOOGLE上班的員工拿到新型的Google Phone。 "The new Google Phone runs on HTC hardware. I saw it w/ Android 2.1. Homescreen has new visual enhancements like animated desktop wallpaper." 原PO翻譯: 新型的Google Phone是HTC做的,使用Android 2.1版。加強桌面主頁的外觀,例如 支援動態桌布。 "A friend from Google showed me the new Android 2.1 phone from HTC coming out in Jan. A sexy beast. Like an iPhone on beautifying steroids" 原PO翻譯: "一位在Google上班的朋友借了預計在一月上市的HTC Android 2.1手機給我看。真是 一支性感的野獸。就像是iPhone被打了Android的類固醇那麼強大" "Yeah, it’s a hot, sexy mess. And I mean that in a good way. Similar form-factor to the iPhone, but with a smooth-brushed-metal-looking shell instead of a glossy one. And perhaps a smidgen lighter." 原PO翻譯: "沒錯,那支真的又辣又性感。再次強調是真的。外觀設計類似iPhone,但是外殼 看似平滑上漆的金屬,而不是一般發亮的外殼。手感比較輕。" "Super fast, speech-to-text in EVERY app, awesome “live wallpapers” in the background that respond to touch in really beautiful ways. Like water ripples that emanate out from a touch." 原PO翻譯: "飆快,甚至所有的app都可以用語音轉文字輸入法。沒話說,加上動態桌布,還會根據 觸控點反應不同動態效果。就像是水波一樣。" "I was given the phone for a very limited time from a Google employee. It resembled an HTC Hero to my eyes, though a tiny bit smaller and DEFINITELY thinner. I kept looking over at the guy using it, thinking to myself that it WAS a Hero, but when I asked, he spilled the beans." 原PO翻譯: "今天一位Google員工把新機借給我看了一下。新機看似HTC HERO,但是比較小,而且 更薄。我看他使用的時候,直到他告訴我前,一直以為是HTC HERO。 "The gray bar at the bottom of the home screen was replaced with the “house” line art used on the face of most Android phones that takes you to the home screen. Looked sleeker. Super light phone too." 原PO翻譯: "在主頁下方的灰條改成了類似其他Android機的"房子線"設計。看起來更酷,而且很輕 。" "...but I am scratching my head trying to figure out what the real difference is between this and any of the newer HTC Android phones. Scanning the apps, I didn’t see anything that really stood out as different from what I have on my Droid. And being that it was Android 2.1, the only really differences I saw were a few visual ones. So it doesn’t appear (in its current state) to really be offering “the *real* Android” experience that’s mind blowingly different from what’s out there so far. Maybe I just didn’t dig deep enough to find it though." 原PO翻譯: "但是這支手機(指Google Phone)對我來說和其他HTC Android機沒什麼不一樣。瀏覽了 一下app,我沒看到任何針對這支手機才擁有的app,他有的我自己的droid機也有。雖然 新機是Android 2.1,我試用的時候,除了顯示變漂亮,並沒看到任何與舊版Android 真正不一樣的地方。所以目前看起來,這支新機功能方面和以上市的Android機沒什麼 不一樣。有可能我沒有足夠的時間,找出比較不一樣的功能。" ----- 所以Google Phone很可能就是HTC Dragon? HTC Android 2.1 Eclair可能會在Dragon 上市時一起釋出?我忘記在哪看得了,HTC Dragon上市時間好像是在一月18日?不確定 就是了。 Enjoy =) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dreamroyc:一月十八...那該不該敗hero... 12/14 00:32
Windleo:但是用過HERO的人覺得畫面已經太小了,DRAGON聽說更小 12/14 00:38
abccbaandy:最後面是在打臉嗎= = 12/14 01:00
w3160828:...比HERO小...無言 不是已經夠小了嗎 難道是刺青機加強 12/14 01:24
elvisFB:hero 跟 iPhone 一點都不像....比 hero 小是搞笑嗎? lol 12/14 01:52
aquaeelziq:= =可以支援更大畫面是升級android一大誘因 小於3.5吋 12/15 00:22
aquaeelziq:我就完全不會考慮了 12/15 00:22
aquaeelziq:HD 3.8吋用習慣後 連3.5吋都覺得有點小 12/15 00:22