精華區beta AntiVirus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這個是由Lavasoft (就是製作Ad-Aware 防木馬程式的公司) 所提供的免費 去除程式。 相關資料與使用程序說明在網頁有寫︰ http://www.lavasoftusa.com/news/product/ariesrelease.shtml http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/rootkit/ The ARIES Rootkit Remover developed by Lavasoft provides the means to locate and permanently remove the Sony rootkit from the system and disable the rootkit's ability to run once more after reboot. This standalone tool is a reliable, trustworthy, and safe way of removing the rootkit--unlike Sony's own rootkit remover that has been known to cause blue screens. This primarily protects consumers and ensures privacy. The tool is developed by Lavasoft in line with our common goals to steer computing environment towards better standards. 下載點︰ http://updates.ls-servers.com/AriesRemoverInst.exe 不過因自己是用硬碟資料全面歸零方式除去。所以到底這程式效果如何並 不知道,建議要用的人最好先到網頁看說明方式。閒有餘力的,煩請說明 效果。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: