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美國兩名飛行員駕駛夜航班機時竟然睡著了 DWNEWS.COM-- 2007年11月3日14:48:5(京港臺時間) --多維新聞網 美國國會10月31日就2004年一起飛行員睡覺事件舉行聽證會。當時﹐一趟夜間航班上的兩 名飛行員居然在飛行過程中同時睡著﹐直到地面指揮人員的警告叫醒其中一人﹐才避免航 班出現危險情況。(chinesenewsnet.com)   美聯社2日報道﹐美國國家航空和航天局飛行安全報告系統一份匿名報告稱﹐兩名商 業航班飛行員在由巴爾的摩飛往丹佛過程中睡覺﹐致使飛機以兩倍于限定時速的速度飛向 機場﹐直至機場指揮人員發出警告時﹐其中一人才醒來。(chinesenewsnet.com)   報告引述飛行員的話說﹕“飛行的最後45分鐘﹐我睡著了﹐副駕駛也睡了。”當飛機 處于丹佛國際機場東南方向大約96公裡時﹐飛機高度為1萬多米﹐遠高于規定高度。飛行 速度約為每小時980公裡﹐也高于規定的速度。(chinesenewsnet.com)   報告還寫道﹕“我突然醒來﹐聽到機場指揮人員瘋狂的呼叫……我應答後﹐按照他們 的指令降落。我叫醒了副駕駛。”降落過程沒有發生其他事件。(chinesenewsnet.com)   報告沒有指出這一“紅眼”航班的所屬公司﹑航班號或機上人員總數。但報告說﹐這 架飛機是空中客車A319型客機﹐屬于美國聯合航空公司或美國邊疆航空公司。 (chinesenewsnet.com)   美聯航發言人梅甘‧麥卡錫說﹐公司沒有往返于這兩個城市間的“紅眼”航班﹐也沒 有發現類似報告。邊疆航空公司發言人喬‧霍達斯則說﹐公司雖然有這一時間往返于兩城 市的航班﹐但沒有發現這一事件的報告。公司先前曾發現類似報告﹐並解決了這些問題。 (chinesenewsnet.com)   霍達斯說﹐飛行員疲勞駕駛比公眾意識到的程度還要嚴重。“我們非常注重飛行安全 ﹐並密切觀察飛行員是否疲勞。”公司還採取一系列措施防止發生疲勞駕駛。(新華社電 ) http://www5.chinesenewsnet.com/MainNews/Topics/2007_11_3_2_48_5_653.html ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pilots asleep as jet flew toward Denver at 600 mph Anonymous report cited as example of airline safety issues by Scott Orr, News2 November 2, 2007 DENVER (KWGN) — Both the captain and first officer of a commercial airline flight from Baltimore to Denver fell asleep as their Airbus A319 headed toward DIA at over 600 miles per hour, according to a report filed by the flight's captain. During congressional hearings on air safety, Rep. Bart Gordon (D-Tenn) pointed out the March, 2004 incident as an example of a case available for viewing on a website but that NASA refuses to release as part of a survey on air safety. The agency came under fire recently for saying it would not make public the findings of its National Aviation Operations Monitoring Service survey, claiming the results might alarm airline passengers. The incident report, which was filed anonymously by an airline captain, said the two-person crew was on a red-eye flight schedule whih required the pair to pilot their A319 jet from DIA to Baltimore, stay on the ground for an hour, then return to DIA. "No rest," the pilot wrote. "Just seven straight hours and 55 minute flight to Baltimore and back." The captain added that this was the third red-eye flight in a row. "Last 45 minutes of the flight, I fell asleep and so did the FO (first officer)," the report says. The crew slept through repeated calls from Air Traffic Control warning them that the aircraft was at the wrong alititute when it passed certain locations, and was 16,000 feet too high and traveling 340 miles per hour too fast about 60 miles from DIA. "I woke up, why I don't know, and heard frantic calls from ATC (Air Traffic Control)," the pilot continued. "I answered ATC and abided by all instructions to get down. Woke FO (first officer) up...landed in Denver with no further incidents." The airline is not identified in the report, but only United and Frontier fly the Airbus A319 out of DIA. A United spokesperson said the airline did not have a red-eye flight to Baltimore at that time. Frontier Airlines spokesperson Joe Hodas said they did have a flight between the two cities during that time but he could not find a report of any such incident. The captain who filed the safety report wrote that there was a similar report filed with the airline. "We take safety very seriously and watch crew fatigue very closely," Hodas said, noting that flight crews can use a no-fault fatigue reporting system that allows them to be replaced in the cockpit if they are too tired to fly. The pilot's report concludes, "Hopefully the company is in process of changing these trip pairings." http://cw2.trb.com/news/kwgn-pilots-asleep,0,6348800.story?coll=kwgn-home-2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 怎麼沒有航空公司敢勇於承認啊? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nickq80001:哇咧.....駕駛艙應該裝可偵測飛行員精神狀況的東西@@ 11/04 00:14
JSD:gosh.....600mph..... 11/05 01:00
vicwk:以後駕駛員要"喝了再上"? 11/05 07:46
Chiardy:當Captain最痛恨的事,就是睡醒的時候發現FO還在睡。 11/05 19:13
ImprezaWRX:飛行員要如何克服日夜不定呢? 畢竟不像開車可聽音樂. 11/05 21:54