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德客機暴風中成功降落 原為24歲女副手操縱著陸 2008年3月5日 16:33 來源:中國新聞網 作者:黃頻 選稿:實習生王銘澤    德國飛機在暴風中成功降落的視頻截圖。 由兩名業餘攝影愛好者分別拍攝的漢莎航空公司一架A320型空中客車3月1日下午在“ 埃瑪”強風中在漢堡機場降落時險些遇險的錄影和照片兩天來在因特網上廣為傳播,震動 了整個德國。39歲的機長奧利弗.A前天被發行量巨大的通俗日報《圖片報》譽為遇險不驚 ,沉著果斷地拯救了機上137條生命的英雄,有些讀者甚至認為他應當獲得總統頒發的德 國最高榮譽勳章聯邦十字勳章。     然而昨天《圖片報》又挖掘出令人吃驚的新聞內幕:設在不倫瑞克的德國聯邦飛行事 故調查機構BFU證實,飛機當天在強風中準備降落時起初並非由經驗豐富的機長親自操縱 ,而是 由他的24歲的女副手馬克西.J駕駛。奧利弗.A曾有17年飛行經驗,並擔任過6年機長。   據BFU對兩個機上飛行記錄器的分析,“直到左側機翼觸擦地面之後,機長才重新操 縱飛機”,BFU的專家米勒說。不過他不願意評論這是否涉及失職行為。他說:“只有等 到所有調查都完成之後才可能做這種評估。”   而德國飛行員工會“駕駛艙”的發言人基希訥克認為,在當時的天氣情況下讓副駕駛 員駕機著陸,“這並不是非通常的做法”。   他說,在飛機駕駛艙內總是有機長和副駕駛員,他們分擔飛往和飛回的航行。“這是 重要的,這樣副駕駛員才能積累經驗。大多數情況下都是由副駕駛員確定,誰承擔哪一程 飛行。”   規則中僅有一種例外,“如果能見度不好,就必須由機長承擔飛行”,基希訥克說。 而這一規則並不適用颶風。   據報道,當天機場提供23號和33號兩條跑道讓這架漢莎客機著陸。按照規則,機長有 選擇跑道的最終權力。基希訥克認為,第一次不成功的降落奧利弗.A機長選擇了23號跑道 並無不恰當之處,因為那條跑道裝備了先進的ILS儀錶著陸系統,在惡劣天氣下選擇它顯 然有優點。   當左側機翼觸擦地面之後奧利弗.A機長駕機再度升空,後來在33號跑道成功降落。據 報道,飛機降落曆險後機艙內沒有歇斯底里的哭叫和大聲的呼喊,只有長達10到20分鐘死 一般的寂靜。“當飛機落地時我的淚水就快掉出來。我似乎獲得第二次新生。”一名17歲 的女乘客說。   根據德國空中安全管理機構DFS發言人拉布的看法,當天兩條跑道上的側風一樣強烈 ,它們都在每小時45公里左右,而A320型空中客車可以容許在時速55公里的側風中降落。   據德國n-tv新聞電視臺報道,德國飛行員工會“駕駛艙”的發言人基希訥克認為無論 是機長、飛行安全管理部門還是機場在這起客機差點就要遇險的事件中都沒有過錯。   不過,昨天的《圖片報》和德國其他好多媒體都仍在問個不休,為什麼富有飛行經驗 的機長在機場正遭受颶風“埃瑪”襲擊時會允許沒有經驗的年青女同事駕機著陸。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24-Year-Old Co-Pilot Made First Landing Attempt A young co-pilot steered the Airbus A320 that almost crashed on Saturday while trying to land in heavy wind. The more experienced 39-year-old pilot then took over to abort the landing and take off again. The Lufthansa Airbus A320 that almost crashed (more...)while trying to land at Hamburg airport in heavy wind was being steered by the 24-year-old female co-pilot, named only as Maxi J., according to a spokesman for the German Federal Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Investigation. Foto: SPIEGEL TV Video: SPIEGEL TV The subsequent maneuver in which the landing was aborted and the plane quickly took off again for a second attempt was conducted by the more experienced 39-year-old pilot, Oliver A. It's still unclear why the pilot allowed his less experienced colleague to land the plane during the storm. It's not unusual for pilot and co-pilot to swap roles on commercial flights. Usually one of the pilots steers the plane and the other handles communications. Co-pilots are subject to the same training standards as captains and have to be able to perform the same tasks. A Lufthansa spokesman declined to comment, saying the investigation into the incident was still taking place. The jet with 131 passengers on board was caught by a gust of wind as it came in to land in pouring rain during a heavy storm on Saturday. It tipped and swerved precariously and one of its wings scraped the runway before it took off again. The incident was captured on video. Lufthansa said none of the passengers was hurt. Pilots' association Cockpit said neither the pilots, air traffic control or Hamburg airport could be blamed for the near crash. "From what is currently known I see no one who is to blame," said cockpit spokesman Markus Kirschneck. cro/AFP/dpa http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,539373,00.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eslite12:Bild的可信度向來跟台灣的政論節目差不多 03/06 02:55
※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (03/06 03:18)
ballack1313:側風還不到30節 03/06 03:15
Danjor:還不到30節.....不知道Gust報多少 03/06 07:59
MichaelHsin:sigh,為什麼一定要強調姓別 03/06 10:36
MichaelHsin:s/姓/性/ 03/06 10:36
carlyu:如果沒飛過這類情況...阿升機長不就囧了 03/06 20:31