精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
花US$209m買到LHR每天各4 架起飛與降落額度. 這應該是創歷史新高. 長榮會不會說: 好裡加在, 我們10幾年前就卡位進去了‧ 看來以後沒$$的航空公司就算有航權也不要想去飛LHR. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heathrow's sky-high slot prices By Kevin Done in London Published: March 4 2008 02:00 | Last updated: March 4 2008 02:00 Continental Airlines has paid a record $209m for four pairs of take-off and landing slots at London Heathrow airport. The US airline disclosed the price paid for its entry ticket to Heathrow in a filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission and said it was also seeking more slots at the airport. The price of the lucrative slots at Heathrow, the most congested airport in Europe, has more than doubled in the past two years, partly in response to a surge in demand from US airlines seeking to exploit the US/European Union "open skies" treaty to liberalise transatlantic aviation. From the end of this month any European or US carrier will be able to fly from any point in the US to any point in the EU. The treaty ends previous restrictions, which in the case of Heathrow had limited access to the lucrative direct routes between Heathrow and the US to only four airlines: British Airways and Virgin Atlantic from the UK and American Airlines and United Airlines from the US. Continental Airlines said in its filing to the SEC that it had paid $116m for summer season slots at Heathrow and would pay a further $93m this year for slots in the next winter season. The US carrier is launching twice-daily services between Heathrow and its New York Newark and Houston hubs. It is understood it acquired two slot pairs from GB Airways, one from Air France and one from Alitalia. In another slot deal it is understood that American Airlines has acquired an additional slot pair at Heathrow from Spain's Iberia. The acquisition will allow American to move the last of the three daily services it has operated between Gatwick and the US to Heathrow. It is closing its Gatwick operation. American said its transatlantic services from London would be focused on Heathrow, with up to 18 daily flights this summer to seven US cities. It is also operating two flights a day between London Stansted and New York JFK. Craig Kreeger, American Airlines senior vice-president international, said it made "business sense" to focus its efforts at Heathrow given the number of competing US carriers - including Continental, Delta Air Lines, Northwest Airlines and US Airways - that were starting transatlantic services from the airport as a result of the US/EU "open skies" agreement. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9e64647c-e98b-11dc-8365-0000779fd2ac.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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