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全日空或將購進5架空客A380 2008年07月05日 20:24:39  來源:新華網 新華網東京7月5日電 據此間媒體報道,日本最大的航空公司之一——全日空公司 或將花1000億日元購進5架空客A380。 據悉,全日空日前在公司內部組建了“新機種選定委員會”,預計經過周密的考察與 核算後,將于今年9月最終作出購買A380的決定。最初階段,首先購買5架,新飛機 擬于20 12年以後投入歐美航線運營。 報道稱,在燃油成本不斷上升給航空公司的經營造成嚴重壓力背景下,最初考慮購進 波音中型飛機B787的全日空,終于將目光投向了一次可乘坐500到800人、平均 油耗更少、運輸效率更高的超大型飛機。 迄今為止,日本的航空公司所採用的大型飛機基本上都是美國波音公司的產品,全日 空購進空客飛機將成為日本航空業轉向的開始。此間媒體評論說,此舉在波音與空客激烈 競爭的天平上將構成一個重要砝碼。 http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2008-07/05/ content_8496004.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATE:04/07/08 SOURCE:Flightglobal.com ANA sets up committee to evaluate A380 and 747-8 By Nicholas Iondies Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) has set up an internal committee to formally consider whether to order ultra-large aircraft, in a move that is expected to soon lead to requests for proposals (RFPs) to Airbus and Boeing. A spokesman for the Star Alliance carrier says from Tokyo that the New Aircraft Selection Committee was formally established yesterday. It is tasked with evaluating the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747-8 and making a recommendation as to “whether we need an aircraft of that size at all”. Airbus and Boeing have been waiting for years for a Japanese carrier to formally consider orders for ultra-large passenger aircraft and the establishment of the committee is a major development, as ANA typically issues RFPs soon after setting up such committees for its aircraft evaluations. The spokesman says it is unclear when an RFP will be issued if the committee determines there is a place in the carrier’s fleet for an aircraft in the ultra-large size category. However industry sources told ATI last month that ANA had indicated to suppliers that its RFP would be issued soon. ANA had long said it did not see a role for ultra-large aircraft in its fleet but earlier this year revealed that it would be looking in the near future for large widebodies to replace its remaining 747-400s from 2012. It has already been replacing 747-400s with 777-300ERs. The carrier has not said how many ultra-large aircraft it may be interested in, but most industry observers expect it to be for between five and 10 aircraft. Source: Air Transport Intelligence news http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/07/04/225093/ ana-sets-up-committee-to-evaluate-a380-and-747-8.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cralph:當年訂340也是五架 後來的結果......科科 07/05 23:13
MD12:手邊還有之前340的模擬圖 其實圖裝蠻搭的說XD 07/05 23:33
cralph:當然 現在NH一定很慶幸後來改當77W的創始客戶 XD 07/05 23:40
nyrnu:上面NH改長榮好像也適用,科科. 07/05 23:46
danielchen:787有嚴重的延遲問題也是個隱憂 07/06 10:10
EMU300:現在訂787跟A380哪個會比較早收到貨? XD 07/06 22:22
cppwu:一切都是 ANA 要脅波音將延遲的 787 大幅降價的陰謀  ̄3 ̄ 07/06 22:46
cgy:RFP...意向書而已XD...等於是先拿DM,還沒要買XD 07/07 09:54
my99:希望對您有幫助 http://Now.to/1l1 08/31 09:44