精華區beta Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hole forces Qantas plane to land http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7524733.stm A passenger plane en route from London to Melbourne has made an emergency landing in the Philippines after a large hole appeared in its fuselage. 一架由倫敦經香港往莫爾本的澳洲航空班機,在離開香港後不久發現機身破了個大洞, 緊急轉降馬尼拉,平安降落無人受傷。 Qantas Airways said its Boeing 747-400, with 346 passengers and 19 crew, diverted to Manila shortly after leaving Hong Kong and landed safely. 機型為747-400,事發時共有346名乘客及19名機組員在機上。 Engineers are investigating what caused the hole - about 2.5m to 3m in diameter - that led to cabin pressure problems. 破洞約有2.5m~3m大,並導致機艙失壓 An airport official said passengers looked scared and some were sick. Airport authority spokesman Octavio Lina said part of the flooring near the affected section gave way, exposing some of the cargo below, and part of the ceiling also collapsed. 機上的地板被扯開,還可直接看到貨艙,並有部分的天花板脫落 "Upon disembarkation, there were some passengers who vomited. You can see in their faces that they were really scared," he said. 'Gust of wind' Passengers described hearing a large bang and feeling a rush of wind through the cabin about an hour into the flight from Hong Kong and the aircraft rapidly lost altitude. 在離開香港後的一小時,乘客聽見一聲巨響,並且有『很大的風』, 且飛機開始急速下降 Passenger Olivia Lucas told the BBC said everyone was "pretty scared for a few moments". "Then everyone focused on getting their oxygen masks on," she said. "Everyone was calm and quiet and there was notable relief when we landed. Everyone applauded the pilot." "We are very lucky we landed safely and no-one was hurt." Another passenger, Glenyce Johnson, told Reuters news agency: "The aircraft plunged from around 40,000ft to 25,000ft." 飛機在破洞後,自40,000ft急降到25,000ft She said she saw items flying out of the plane. 乘客目擊有東西自飛機上脫落 Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon said engineers were investigating what might have caused the hole in the fuselage. 澳洲航空執行長表示,工程人員正調查原因。 He said Qantas had provided all passengers with accommodation and a replacement aircraft had been arranged. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: micwang 來自: (07/25 16:50)
hsu7902:好恐怖.. 07/25 17:22
kucky:澳航最近出了很多問題 07/25 20:31
nyrnu:有圖有真相 http://tinyurl.com/5j3m9g 07/25 20:33
guis:感覺是wingbox前端蒙皮整片飛掉.... =.= 07/25 20:52
NeoNeo:如果破的再快一點 不就是澎湖失事的翻版嗎 07/25 21:59
papapalapa:澎湖失事那是整架飛機主要結構已經出問題才整個解體 07/25 22:44
Dural:今天新聞有影片 空服員帶著氧氣罩在收餐 = = 07/25 23:06